Civil Government of Virginia eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 227 pages of information about Civil Government of Virginia.

Civil Government of Virginia eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 227 pages of information about Civil Government of Virginia.

26 Where are the poor received and cared for?

27.  Define pauper, poor levy, and disbursed.

28.  What does the annual report of the superintendent of the poor tell?

29.  How is the county surveyor appointed, and how paid?

30.  Mention some of the duties of the county surveyor.

31.  Define surveyor.

32.  What is a plat?

33.  What is a meridian line?

34.  What do you understand by locating land warrants?

35.  By whom is the Electoral Board chosen, and for how long?

36.  What is the board composed of, and what remuneration do its members receive?

37.  What are the duties of the Electoral Board?

38.  What is an electoral district?

39.  What is a registrar, arid what are his duties?

40.  Of whom is the Board of Supervisors composed?

41.  What salary do the members of this board receive?

42.  Who is clerk of the board?

43.  What are the duties of the Board of Supervisors?

44.  What are the accounts of the county?

45.  What is an exhibit?

46.  What is a capitation tax?

47.  Who appoints the assessors?

48.  How many assessors are there, and what salary do they receive?

49.  What are the duties of the assessors?

50.  By whom is the coroner appointed, and how is he paid?

51.  What are the duties of the coroner?

52 What do you understand by an inquest?

53.  Tell how an inquest is conducted.


District organization.

Magisterial Districts.

Each county shall be divided into as many compactly located magisterial districts as are necessary, not less than three.

There must be at least three and not more than eleven magisterial districts in each county, and in each district there must be one supervisor, three justices of peace, one constable, and one overseer of the poor.


Elected by the people for four years; must be a resident of the district.

Duties.  A member of the Board of Supervisors; shall inspect the roads and bridges in his district.

The general duties of the Board of Supervisors have been already explained, but each supervisor has special duties in his own district.  He must inspect the public roads and bridges in his district twice every year to see that they are kept in repair, and he must once a year make a written report to the Board of Supervisors as to their condition.

For the time he is actually employed in such service each supervisor receives two dollars a day, paid out of the public funds of his own district, but he is not allowed for such service more than thirty dollars in any one year.

Project Gutenberg
Civil Government of Virginia from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.