The Songs of a Sentimental Bloke eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 75 pages of information about The Songs of a Sentimental Bloke.

The Songs of a Sentimental Bloke eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 75 pages of information about The Songs of a Sentimental Bloke.

Ar, these is ‘appy days!  An’ ’ow they’ve flown—­ Flown like the smoke of some inchanted fag; Since dear Doreen, the sweetest tart I’ve known, Passed me the jolt that made me sky the rag.  An’ ev’ry golding day floats o’er a chap Like a glad dream of some celeschil scrap.

Refreshed wiv sleep Day to the mornin’ mill
  Comes jauntily to out the nigger, Night. 
Trained to the minute, confident in skill,
  ‘E swaggers in the East, chock-full o’ skite;
Then spars a bit, an’ plugs Night on the point. 
Out go the stars; an’ Day ’as jumped the joint.

The sun looks up, an’ wiv a cautious stare,
  Like some crook keekin’ o’er a winder sill
To make dead cert’in everythink is square,
  ’E shoves ’is boko o’er an Eastern ’ill,
Then rises, wiv ’is dial all a-grin,
An’ sez, “’Ooray!  I knoo that we could win!”

Sure of ’is title then, the champeen Day
  Begins to put on dawg among ’is push,
An’, as he mooches on ’is gaudy way,
  Drors tribute from each tree an’ flow’r an’ bush. 
An’, w’ile ’e swigs the dew in sylvan bars,
The sun shouts insults at the sneakin’ stars.

Then, lo! the push o’ Day rise to applaud;
  An’ all ’is creatures clamour at ’is feet
Until ’e thinks’imself a little gawd,
  An’ swaggers on an’ kids ’imself a treat. 
The w’ile the lurkin’ barrackers o’ Night
Sneak in retreat an’ plan another fight.

On thro’ the hours, triumphant, proud an’ fit,
The champeen marches on ’is up’ard way,
Till, at the zenith, bli’me!  ’E-is-it
And all the world bows to the Boshter Day. 
The jealous Night speeds ethergrams thro’ space
‘Otly demandin’ terms, an’ time, an’ place.

A wile the champeen scorns to make reply;
  ’E’s taken tickets on ’is own ’igh worth;
Puffed up wiv pride, an’ livin’ mighty ’igh,
  ’E don’t admit that Night is on the earth. 
But as the hours creep on ’e deigns to state
‘E’ll fight for all the earth an’ ’arf the gate.

Late afternoon...Day feels ’is flabby arms,
  An’ tells ’imself ’e don’t seem quite the thing. 
The ‘omin’ birds shriek clamorous alarms;
  An’ Night creeps stealthily to gain the ring. 
But see!  The champeen backs an’ fills, becos
’E doesn’t feel the Boshter Bloke ’e was.

Time does a bunk as us-u-al, nor stays
  A single instant, e’en at Day’s be’est. 
Alas, the ’eavy-weight’s ‘igh-livin’ ways
  ’As made ‘im soft, an’ large around the vest. 
’E sez ’e’s fat inside; ’e starts to whine;
’E sez ’e wants to dror the colour line.

Relentless nigger Night crawls thro’ the ropes,
  Advancin’ grimly on the quakin’ Day,
Whose noisy push, shorn of their ’igh-noon ’opes,
  Wait, ‘ushed an’ anxious, fer the comin’ fray. 
And many lusty barrackers of noon
Desert ’im one by one—­traitors so soon!

Project Gutenberg
The Songs of a Sentimental Bloke from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.