Timothy Crump's Ward eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 168 pages of information about Timothy Crump's Ward.

Timothy Crump's Ward eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 168 pages of information about Timothy Crump's Ward.

“Far from having any objections, Mr. Crump,” was the courteous reply, “I shall be glad to secure so good a tenant.  Will you go over and look at the house?”

“Not now, sir; I am somewhat in haste.  When can we move in?”

“To-day, if you like.”

His errand satisfactorily accomplished, the cooper returned home.  Meanwhile the landlord had called.

He was a little surprised to find that Mrs. Crump, instead of looking depressed, looked cheerful, rather than otherwise.

“I was not aware you had a child so young,” he remarked, looking at the baby.

“It isn’t mine,” said Mrs. Crump, briefly.

“The child of a neighbor, I suppose,” thought Colman.

Meanwhile he scrutinized closely, without appearing to do so, the furniture in the room.

At this point Mr. Crump opened the outer door.

“Good-morning,” said Colman, affably.  “A fine morning.”

“Quite so,” answered his tenant, shortly.

“I have called, Mr. Crump, to know if you are ready with your quarter’s rent.”

“I think I told you, last night, how I was situated.  Of course I am sorry——­”

“So am I,” said the landlord, “for I may be obliged to have recourse to unpleasant measures.”

“You mean that we must leave the house!”

“Of course, you cannot expect to remain in it if you are unable to pay the rent.  Of course,” added Colman, making an inventory with his eyes, of the furniture, “you will leave behind a sufficient amount of furniture to cover your bill——­”

“Surely, you would not deprive us of our furniture!”

“Is there any hardship in requiring payment of honest debts?”

“There are cases of that description.  However, I will not put you to that trouble.  I am ready to pay you your dues.”

“You have the money?” said Colman, hastily.

“I have, and something over; as you will see by this document.  Can you give me the two hundred and eighty dollars over?”

It would be difficult to picture the amazement of Colman.  “Surely, you told me a different story last night,” he said.

“Last night and this morning are different times.  Then I could not pay you; now, luckily, I am able.  If you cannot change this amount, and will accompany me to the bank, I will place the money in your hands.”

“My dear sir, I am not at all in haste,” said the landlord, with a return of his former affability.  “Any time within a week will do.  I hope, by the way, you will continue to occupy this house.”

“As I have already engaged Mr. Harrison’s house, at the corner of the street, I shall be unable to remain.  Besides, I do not want to interfere with the family who are so desirous of moving in.”

Mr. Colman was silenced.  He regretted, too late, the hasty course which had lost him a good tenant.  The family referred to had no existence; and, it may be remarked, the house remained vacant for several months, when he was glad to rent it at the old price.

Project Gutenberg
Timothy Crump's Ward from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.