Lizzy Glenn eBook

Timothy Shay Arthur
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 212 pages of information about Lizzy Glenn.

Lizzy Glenn eBook

Timothy Shay Arthur
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 212 pages of information about Lizzy Glenn.

It was after eleven o’clock before she was fairly at work.  The first thing to be done, after laying aside the different portions of the garment in order, was to put in the pockets.  This was not accomplished before one o’clock, when she had to leave her work to prepare a meal for herself and little ones.  There remained from their supper and breakfast, a small portion of the fish and potatoes.  Both of these had been boiled, and hashed up together, and, of what remained, all that was required was to make it into balls and fry it.  This was not a matter to occasion much delay.  In fifteen minutes from the time she laid aside her needle and thimble, the table had been set, with its one dish upon it, and Harry and little Emma were eating with keen appetites their simple meal.  But, to Mrs. Gaston, the food was unpalatable; and Ella turned from it with loathing.  There was, however, nothing more, in the house; and both Ella and her mother had to practice self-denial and patience.

After the table was cleared away, Mrs. Gaston again resumed her labor; but Emma was unusually fretful, and hung about her mother nearly the whole afternoon, worrying her mind, and keeping her back a good deal, so that, when the brief afternoon had worn away, and the deepening twilight compelled her to suspend her labors, she had made but little perceptible progress in her work.

“Be good children now until I come back,” she said, as she rose from her chair, put on her, bonnet, and drew an old Rob Roy shawl around her shoulders.  Descending then into the street, she took her way with a quick step toward that part of the city in which her employer kept his store.  Her heart beat anxiously as she drew near, and trembled lest she should not find him in.  If not?—­but the fear made her feel sick.  She had no food in the house, no friends to whom she could apply, and there was no one of whom she could venture to ask to be trusted for even a single loaf of bread.  At length she reached the well-lighted store, in which were several customers, upon whom both Berlaps and his clerk were attending with business assiduity.  The sight of the tailor relieved the feelings of poor Mrs. Gaston very much.  Passing on to the back part of the store, she stood patiently awaiting his leisure.  But his customers were hard to please.  And, moreover, one was scarcely suited, before another came in.  Thus it continued for nearly half an hour, when, the poor woman became so anxious about the little ones she had left at home, and especially about Ella, who had appeared to have a good deal of fever when she came away, that she walked slowly down the store, and paused opposite to where Berlaps stood waiting upon a customer, in order to attract his attention.  But he took not the slightest notice of her.  She remained thus for nearly ten minutes longer.  Then she came up to the side of the counter, and, leaning over toward him, said, in a half whisper—­

“Can I speak a word with you, Mr. Berlaps?”

Project Gutenberg
Lizzy Glenn from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.