Lessons in Life, for All Who Will Read Them eBook

Timothy Shay Arthur
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 187 pages of information about Lessons in Life, for All Who Will Read Them.

Lessons in Life, for All Who Will Read Them eBook

Timothy Shay Arthur
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 187 pages of information about Lessons in Life, for All Who Will Read Them.

“Ah!  How are you, friend Layton?” he said, with an air of forced cordiality, extending his hand as he spoke.  “So you have become my next-door neighbour?”

“Yes,” was the quiet reply, made in a pleasant manner, and without the least appearance of resentment for the past.

“I am really glad to find you are on your feet again,” said Grasper, affecting an interest which he did not feel.  “For the misfortunes you have suffered, I always felt grieved, although, perhaps, I was a little to blame for hastening the crisis in your affairs.  But I had waited a long time for my money, you know.”

“Yes, and others will now have to wait a great deal longer, in consequence of your hasty action,” replied Layton, speaking seriously, but not in a way to offend.

“I am very sorry, but it can’t be helped now,” said Grasper, looking a little confused.  “I only took the ordinary method of securing my own.  If I had not taken care of myself, somebody would have come in and swept the whole.  You know you couldn’t possibly have stood it much longer.”

“If you think it right, Mr. Grasper, I have nothing now to say,” returned Layton.

“You certainly could not call it wrong for a man to sue another who has the means, and yet refuses to pay what he owes him?”

“I think it wrong, Mr. Grasper,” replied Layton, “for any man to injure others in his over-eagerness to get his own, and this you did.  You seized four, times as many goods as would have paid your claim if they had been fairly sold, and had them sacrificed for one-fourth of their value, thus wronging my other creditors out of some three thousand dollars in the present, and taxing my future efforts to make good what was no better than thrown into the sea.  You had no moral right to do this, although you had the power.  This is my opinion of the matter, Mr. Grasper; and I freely express it, in the hope that, if ever another man is so unfortunate as to get in your debt without the means of present payment, that you will be less exacting with him than you were with me.”

Grasper writhed in spirit under this cutting rebuke of Layton, which was given seriously, but not in anger.  He tried to make a great many excuses, to none of which Layton made any reply.  He had said all he wished to say on the subject.  After this, the two met frequently—­more frequently than Grasper cared about meeting the man he had injured.  Several times he alluded, indirectly, to the past, in an apologetic way, but Layton never appeared to understand the allusion.  This was worse to Grasper than if he had come out and said over and over again just what he thought of the other’s conduct.

Five years from the day Layton commenced business anew, he made his last dividend upon the deficit that stood against him at the time his creditors generously released him and set him once more upon his feet.  He was doing a very good business, and had a credit much more extensive than he cared about using.  No one was more ready to sell him than Grasper, who frequently importuned him to make bills at his store.  This he sometimes did, but made it a point never to give his note for the purchase, always paying the cash and receiving a discount.

Project Gutenberg
Lessons in Life, for All Who Will Read Them from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.