The Small House at Allington eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 972 pages of information about The Small House at Allington.

The Small House at Allington eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 972 pages of information about The Small House at Allington.
and tell him what were his views with reference to Lily?  And how far would he be justified in taking the earl at his word?  Some incredible amount of wealth would be required before he could marry Lily Dale.  Two or three hundred pounds a year at the very least!  The earl could not mean him to understand that any such sum as that would be made up with such an object!  Nevertheless he resolved as he walked home to Burton Crescent that he would go down to Guestwick, and that he would obey the earl’s behest.  As regarded Lily herself he felt that nothing could be said to her for many a long day as yet.

“Oh, John, how late you are!” said Amelia, slipping out from the back parlour as he let himself in with his latch-key.

“Yes, I am;—­very late,” said John, taking his candle, and passing her by on the stairs without another word.


“The Time Will Come”

“Did you hear that young Eames is staying at Guestwick Manor?”

As these were the first words which the squire spoke to Mrs Dale as they walked together up to the Great House, after church, on Christmas Day, it was clear enough that the tidings of Johnny’s visit, when told to him, had made some impression.

“At Guestwick Manor!” said Mrs Dale.  “Dear me!  Do you hear that, Bell?  There’s promotion for Master Johnny!”

“Don’t you remember, mamma,” said Bell, “that he helped his lordship in his trouble with the bull?”

Lily, who remembered accurately all the passages of her last interview with John Eames, said nothing, but felt, in some sort, sore at the idea that he should be so near her at such a time.  In some unconscious way she had liked him for coming to her and saying all that he did say.  She valued him more highly after that scene than she did before.  But now, she would feel herself injured and hurt if he ever made his way into her presence under circumstances as they existed.

“I should not have thought that Lord De Guest was the man to show so much gratitude for so slight a favour,” said the squire.  “However, I’m going to dine there to-morrow.”

“To meet young Eames?” said Mrs Dale.

“Yes,—­especially to meet young Eames.  At least, I’ve been very specially asked to come, and I’ve been told that he is to be there.”

“And is Bernard going?”

“Indeed I’m not,” said Bernard, “I shall come over and dine with you.”

A half-formed idea flitted across Lily’s mind, teaching her to imagine for a moment that she might possibly be concerned in this arrangement.  But the thought vanished as quickly as it came, merely leaving some soreness behind it.  There are certain maladies which make the whole body sore.  The patient, let him be touched on any point,—­let him even be nearly touched,—­will roar with agony as though his whole body had been bruised.  So it is also with maladies of the mind.  Sorrows

Project Gutenberg
The Small House at Allington from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.