Friends and Neighbors eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 294 pages of information about Friends and Neighbors.

Friends and Neighbors eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 294 pages of information about Friends and Neighbors.

“That would not have been enough of itself.”

“No, but I have a hundred on hand; the two together would have paid them, and left enough for my workmen too.”

As early as practicable the next morning Mr. Allison started forth to raise the amount necessary to carry him safely through the week.  He thought it better to try to collect some of the amounts owing to him than to borrow.  He first called on a wealthy merchant, whose annual income was something near five thousand.

“Good morning, Mr. Allison,” said he, as that individual entered his counting-room.  “I suppose you want some money.”

“I should like a little, Mr. Chapin, if you please.”

“Well, I intended coming down to see you, but I have been so busy that I have not been able.  That carriage of mine which you did up a few weeks ago does not suit me altogether.”

“What is the matter with it?”

“I don’t like the style of trimming, for one thing; it has a common look to me.”

“It is precisely what Mrs. Chapin ordered.  You told me to suit her.”

“Yes, but did she not tell you to trim it like General Spangler’s?”

“I am very much mistaken, Mr. Chapin, if it is not precisely like his.”

“Oh! no; his has a much richer look than mine.”

“The style of trimming is just the same, Mr. Chapin; but you certainly did not suppose that a carriage trimmed with worsted lace, would look as well as one trimmed with silk lace?”

“No, of course not; but there are some other little things about it that don’t suit me.  I will send my man down with it to-day, and he will show you what they are.  I would like to have it to-morrow afternoon, to take my family out in.  Call up on Monday, and we will have a settlement.”

Mr. Allison next called at the office of a young lawyer, who had lately come into possession of an estate valued at one hundred thousand dollars.  Mr. Allison’s bill was three hundred dollars, which his young friend assured him he would settle immediately, only that there was a slight error in the way it was made out, and not having the bill with him, he could not now correct it.

He would call on Mr. Allison with it, sometime during the next week, and settle it.

A Custom-House gentleman was next sought, but his time had been so much taken up with his official duties, that he had not yet been able to examine the bill.  He had no doubt but it was all correct; still, as he was not accustomed to doing business in a loose way, he must claim Mr. Allison’s indulgence a few days longer.

Almost disheartened, Mr. Allison entered the store of the last individual who was indebted to him for any considerable amount, not daring to hope that he would be any more successful with him than with the others he had called on.  But he was successful; the bill, which amounted to near one hundred and fifty dollars, was promptly paid, Mr. Allison’s pocket, in consequence, that much heavier, and his heart that much lighter.  Fifty dollars was yet lacking of the sum requisite for that day.  After calling on two or three individuals, this amount was obtained, with the promise of being returned by the middle of the next week.

Project Gutenberg
Friends and Neighbors from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.