The Heart's Highway eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 263 pages of information about The Heart's Highway.

The Heart's Highway eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 263 pages of information about The Heart's Highway.

There was a bridle-path leading through the woods to Laurel Creek, and by that way to my consternation Mistress Mary ordered the sailors to carry the cases.  ’Twas two miles inland, and I marvelled much to hear her, for even should nearly all the crew go, the load would be a grievous one, it seemed to me.  But to my mind Captain Calvin Tabor behaved as if the order was one which he expected, neither did the sailors grumble, but straightway loaded themselves with the case raised upon a species of hurdles which must have been provided for the purpose, and proceeded down the bridle-path, singing to keep up their hearts another song even more at odds with the day than the first.  The captain marched at the head of the sailors, and Mistress Mary and I followed slowly through the narrow aisle of green.  I rode ahead, and often pulled my horse to one side, pressing his body hard against the trees that I might hold back a branch which would have caught her headgear.  All the way we never spoke.  When we reached Laurel Creek, Mistress Mary drew the key from her pocket, which showed to me that the visit had been planned should the ship have arrived.  She unlocked the door, and the sailors, no longer singing, for they were well-nigh spent by the journey under the heavy burdens, deposited the cases in the great room.  Laurel Creek had belonged to Mistress Mary’s maternal grandfather, Colonel Edmond Lane, and had not been inhabited this many a year, not since Mary was a baby in arms.  The old furniture still stood in the accustomed places, looking desolate with that peculiar desolateness of lifeless things which have been associated with man.  The house at Laurel Creek was a fine mansion, finer than Drake Hill, and the hall made me think of England.  Great oak chests stood against the walls, hung with rusting swords and armour and empty powder-horns.  A carven seat was beside the cold hearth, and in a corner was a tall spinning-wheel, and the carven stair led in a spiral ascent of mystery to the shadows above.

When the cases were all deposited in the great room, Mistress Mary held a short conference apart with Captain Calvin Tabor, and I saw some gold pass from her hand to his.  Then she thanked him and the sailors for their trouble very prettily in that way she had which would have made every one as willing to die for her as to carry heavy weights.  Then we all filed out from the house, and Mistress Mary locked the door, and bade good-bye to Captain Tabor; then he and his men took again the bridle-path back to the ship, and she and I proceeded churchward on the highway.

When we were once alone together I spurred my horse up to hers and caught her bridle and rode alongside and spoke to her as if all the past were naught, and I with the rights to which I had been born.  It had come to that pass with me in those days that all the pride I had left was that of humility, but even that I was ready to give up for her if necessary.

Project Gutenberg
The Heart's Highway from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.