The Fight for the Republic in China eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 514 pages of information about The Fight for the Republic in China.

The Fight for the Republic in China eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 514 pages of information about The Fight for the Republic in China.

2.  Before the uprising takes place the loan shall be temporarily secured by 10,000,000 yen worth of bonds to be issued by Sun Wen (Sun Yat Sen).  It shall however be secured afterwards by all the movable properties of the occupied territory. (See Article 14 of this Agreement.)

3.  The funds from the present loan and military force to be provided are for operations in the provinces South of the Yellow River viz:  Yunnan, Kweichow, Hunan, Hupeh, Szechuan, Kiangsi, Anhuei, Kiangsu, Chekiang, Fukien, Kwangsi and Kwangtung.  If it is intended to invade the Northern provinces North of the Yellow River, Tseji Karoku and his associates shall participate with the revolutionists in all deliberations connected with such operations.

4.  The Japanese volunteer force shall be allowed from the date of their enrolment active service pay in accordance with the regulations of the Japanese army.  After the occupation of a place, the two parties will settle the mode of rewarding the meritorious and compensating the family of the killed, adopting the most generous practice in vogue in China and Japan.  In the case of the killed, compensation for each soldier shall, at the least, be more than 1,000 yen.

5.  Wherever the revolutionary army might be located the Japanese military officers accompanying these expeditions shall have the right to advise a continuation or cessation of operations.

6.  After the revolutionary army has occupied a region and strengthened its defences, all industrial undertakings and railway construction and the like, not mentioned in the Treaties with other foreign Powers, shall be worked with joint capital together with the Japanese.

7.  On the establishment of a new Government in China, all Japan’s demands on China shall be recognized by the new Government as settled and binding.

8.  All Japanese Military Officers holding the rank of Captain or higher ranks engaged by the Chinese revolutionary army shall have the privilege of being continued in their employment with a limit as to date and shall have the right to ask to be thus employed.

9.  The loan shall be paid over in three instalments.  The first instalment will be 400,000 yen, the second instalment ... yen and the third instalment ... yen.  After the first instalment is paid over, Okura who advances the loan shall have the right to appoint men to supervise the expenditure of the money.

10.  The Japanese shall undertake to deliver all arms and ammunition in the Districts of Jih Chao and Haichow (in Shantung and Kiangsu, South of Kiaochow).

11.  The payment of the first instalment of the loan shall be made not later than three days after the signing of this Agreement.

12.  All the employed Japanese Military officers and Japanese volunteers are in duty bound to obey the orders of the Commander of the revolutionary army.

13.  The Commander of the revolutionary army shall have the right to send back to Japan those Japanese military officers and Japanese volunteers who disobey his orders and their passage money shall not be paid if such decision meets with the approval of three or more of the Japanese who accompany the revolutionary force.

Project Gutenberg
The Fight for the Republic in China from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.