The Fight for the Republic in China eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 514 pages of information about The Fight for the Republic in China.

The Fight for the Republic in China eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 514 pages of information about The Fight for the Republic in China.

Art. 5.  The Electoral College shall be convocated by the President and organized within three days before the electon.

Art. 6.  The house of the Tsan Cheng Yuan shall be used as a meeting place for the Presidential Electoral College.  The chairman of the Tsan Cheng Yuan shall act as the chairman of the College.

If the Vice-President is the chairman of the Tsan Cheng Yuan or for other reasons, the chairman of the Li Fa Yuan shall act as the chairman.

Art. 7.  On the day of the Presidential Election the President shall respectfully make known to the Presidential Electoral College the names of the persons recommended by him as qualified candidates for the Presidential office.

Art. 8.  The Electoral College may vote for the re-election of the then President, besides three candidates recommended by him.

Art. 9.  The single ballot system will be adopted for the Presidential Election.  There should be an attendance of not less than three-fourths of the total membership.  One who receives a two-thirds majority or greater of the total number of votes cast shall be elected.  If no one secures a two-thirds majority the two persons receiving the largest number of votes shall be put to the final vote.

Art. 10.  When the year of election arrives should the members of the Tsan Cheng Yuan consider it a political necessity, the then President may be re-elected for another term by a two-thirds majority of the Tsan Cheng Yuan without a formal election.  The decision shall then be promulgated by the President.

Art. 11.  Should the President vacate his post before the expiration of his term of office a special Presidential Electoral College shall be organized within three days.  Before the election takes place the Vice-President shall officiate as President according to the provisions of Article 29 of the Constitutional Compact and if the Vice-President should also vacate his post at the same time, or be absent from the Capital or for any other reasons be unable to take up the office, the Secretary of State shall officiate but he shall not assume the duties of clauses 1 and 2, either as a substitute or a temporary executive.

Art. 12.  On the day of the Presidential Election, the person officiating as President or carrying on the duties as a substitute shall notify the Chairman of the Special Presidential Electoral College to appoint ten members as witnesses to the opening of the Stone House or the Gold Box, which shall be carried reverently to the House and opened before the assembly and its contents made known to them.  Votes shall then be forthwith cast for the election of one of the three candidates recommended as provided for in article 9.

Art. 13.  Whether at the re-election of the old President or the assumption office of the new President, he shall take oath in the following words at the time of taking over the office: 

“I swear that I shall with all sincerity adhere to the Constitution and execute the duties of the President.  I reverently swear.”

Project Gutenberg
The Fight for the Republic in China from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.