Three Acres and Liberty eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 270 pages of information about Three Acres and Liberty.

Three Acres and Liberty eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 270 pages of information about Three Acres and Liberty.

One of the workers came for work in a condition of mind and body which rendered his services almost worthless.  He was scarcely able to carry on his work for a minute beyond what he was shown.  Each new move had to be explained constantly, and even then he was often found doing the work in the wrong way only a few minutes afterwards.  Before long, however, he began to see that his place had its responsibilities and that the work of Mother Nature depended on his doing his part and doing it well.  By the time the crops were ready to gather and market he came to realize that the cost of production must come under the amount received from the sale of the produce so as to prevent loss.  By the end of the season he had learned so to utilize his time and to organize his work and execute our plans that we were able to recommend him to a farmer who was looking for a handy man about the place.

In twenty years our Associations have made demonstrations of the following facts, each demonstration proving more clearly than the former ones: 

First.  That many people out of employment must have help of some kind.

Second.  That a great majority of them prefer self-help, and many will take no other.  Nearly all are able and willing to improve any opportunities open to them.

Third.  That to open opportunities to them does not pauperize or degrade, but has the opposite effect of elevating and ennobling.  It quickly establishes self-respect and self-confidence.  The best and most effective way of helping people in need is to open a way whereby they may help themselves.  The most effective charity is opportunity accompanied with kindly advice and a personal interest in those less fortunate than ourselves.

Fourth.  That the offering of gardens to the unemployed with proper supervision and some assistance by providing seeds, fertilizers, and plowing accompanied with instruction, is the cheapest and easiest way of opening opportunities yet devised.

Fifth.  That it possesses many advantages in addition to providing profitable employment; among others, that the worker must come out into the open air and sunshine; must exercise, and put forth exertion,—­all of which are conducive to health, and, most important of all, he knows that all he raises is to be his own.  This is the greatest incentive to industry.

The Vacant Lot Cultivation system is a school wherein gardeners are taught a trade (to most of them a new trade), farming, which offers employment for more people than all the other trades and professions combined:  a trade susceptible of wide diversification and offering many fields for specializing.  But little capital is required; any other field would require large outlay.  Its greatest advantage, however, is that the idle men and the idle land are already close to each other—­the men can reach their gardens without changing their domiciles or being separated from their families.

Project Gutenberg
Three Acres and Liberty from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.