One of Our Conquerors — Volume 2 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 104 pages of information about One of Our Conquerors — Volume 2.

One of Our Conquerors — Volume 2 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 104 pages of information about One of Our Conquerors — Volume 2.
foreign notions of this kind or that, in England:  an all but imperceptible shortening or loss of corners at the mouth, upon mention of marriages of his clergy:  particularly once, at his reading of a lengthy report in a newspaper of a Wedding Ceremony involving his favourite Bishop for bridegroom:  a report to make one glow like Hymen rollicking the Torch after draining the bumper to the flying slipper.  He remembered the look, and how it seemed to intensify on the slumbering features, at a statement, that his Bishop was a widower, entering into nuptials in his fifty-fourth year.  Why not?  But we ask it of Heaven and Man, why not?  Mademoiselle was pleasant:  she was young or youngish; her own clergy were celibates, and—­no, he could not argue the matter with a young or youngish person of her sex.  Could it be a reasonable woman—­ a woman!—­who, disapproved the holy nuptials of the pastors of the flocks?  But we are forbidden to imagine the conducting of an argument thereon with a lady.

Luther . . . but we are not in Luther’s time:—­Nature . . . no, nor can there possibly be allusions to Nature.  Mr. Barmby wondered at Protestant parents taking a Papistical governess for their young flower of English womanhood.  However, she venerated St. Louis; he cordially also; there they met; and he admitted, that she had, for a Frenchwoman, a handsome face, and besides an agreeably artificial ingenuousness in the looks which could be so politely dubious as to appear only dubiously adverse.

The spell upon Nesta was not blown away on English ground; and when her father and mother were comparing their impressions, she could not but keep guard over the deeper among her own.  At the Chateau de Gisors, leftward off Vernon on Seine, it had been one of romance and wonderment, with inquisitive historic soundings of her knowledge and mademoiselle’s, a reverence for the prisoner’s patient holy work, and picturings of his watchful waiting daily, Nail in hand, for the heaven-sent sunlight on the circular dungeon-wall through the slits of the meurtrieres.  But the Mausoleum at Dreux spake religiously; it enfolded Mr. Barmby, his voice re-edified it.  The fact that he had discoursed there, though not a word of the discourse was remembered, allied him to the spirit of a day rather increasing in sacredness as it receded and left her less the possessor of it, more the worshipper.

Mademoiselle had to say to herself:  ‘Impossible!’ after seeing the drift of her dear Nesta’s eyes in the wake of the colossal English clergyman.  She fed her incredulousness indignantly on the evidence confounding it.  Nataly was aware of unusual intonations, treble-stressed, in the Bethesda and the Galilee of Mr. Barmby on Concert evenings:  as it were, the towering wood-work of the cathedral organ in quake under emission of its multitudinous outroar.  The ‘Which?’ of the Rev. Septimus, addressed to Nesta, when song was demanded of him; and her ‘Either’; and his gentle hesitation, upon a gaze at her for the directing choice, could not be unnoticed by women.

Project Gutenberg
One of Our Conquerors — Volume 2 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.