Vittoria — Volume 5 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 76 pages of information about Vittoria — Volume 5.

Vittoria — Volume 5 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 76 pages of information about Vittoria — Volume 5.

The dagger was Carlo’s gift to her; the engraver, by singular misadventure, had put a capital letter for the concluding letter of her name instead of little a; she remembered the blush on Carlo’s face when she had drawn his attention to the error, and her own blush when she had guessed its meaning.

‘It spells my name,’ she said.

‘Your assumed name of Vittoria.  And who is C. A.?’

‘Those are the initials of Count Carlo Ammiani.’

‘Another lover?’

‘He is my sole lover.  He is my betrothed.  Oh, good God!’ she threw her eyes up to heaven; ’how long am I to endure the torture of this man in my pathway?  Go, sir, or let me go on.  You are intolerable.  It ’s the spirit of a tiger.  I have no fear of you.’

‘Nay, nay,’ said Weisspriess, ’I asked the question because I am under an obligation to run Count Carlo Ammiani through the body, and felt at once that I should regret the necessity.  As to your not fearing me, really, far from wishing to hurt you—­’

Vittoria had caught sight of a white face framed in the autumnal forest above her head.  So keen was the glad expression of her face, that Weisspriess looked up.

‘Come, Angelo, come to me;’ she said confidently.

Weisspriess plucked his sword out, and called to him imperiously to descend.

Beckoned downward by white hand and flashing blade, Angelo steadied his feet and hands among drooping chestnut boughs, and bounded to Vittoria’s side.

‘Now march on,’ Weisspriess waved his sword; ‘you are my prisoners.’

‘You,’ retorted Angelo; ’I know you; you are a man marked out for one of us.  I bid you turn back, if you care for your body’s safety.’

’Angelo Guidascarpi, I also know you.  Assassin! you double murderer!  Defy me, and I slay you in the sight of your paramour.’

’Captain Weisspriess, what you have spoken merits death.  I implore of my Maker that I may not have to kill you.’

‘Fool! you are unarmed.’

Angelo took his stilet in his fist.

’I have warned you, Captain Weisspriess.  Here I stand.  I dare you to advance.’

‘You pronounce my name abominably,’ said the captain, dropping his sword’s point.  ’If you think of resisting me, let us have no women looking on.’  He waved his left hand at Vittoria.

Angelo urged her to go.  ‘Step on for our Carlo’s sake.’  But it was asking too much of her.

‘Can you fight this man?’ she asked.

‘I can fight him and kill him.’

‘I will not step on,’ she said.  ‘Must you fight him?’

‘There is no choice.’  Vittoria walked to a distance at once.

Angelo directed the captain’s eyes to where, lower in the pass, there was a level plot of meadow.

Weisspriess nodded.  ’The odds are in my favour, so you shall choose the ground.’

All three went silently to the meadow.

Project Gutenberg
Vittoria — Volume 5 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.