Evan Harrington — Complete eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 675 pages of information about Evan Harrington — Complete.

Evan Harrington — Complete eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 675 pages of information about Evan Harrington — Complete.

‘I shall not bring him to be laughed at,’ said Evan.

‘I will remember he is your friend,’ Rose returned demurely; and again laughed, as she related to Jenny Graine the comic appearance Mr. Raikes had presented.

Laxley waited for a pause, and then said:  ’I have met this Mr. Raikes.  As a friend of the family, I should protest against his admission here in any office whatever into the upper part of the house, at least.  He is not a gentleman.’

We don’t want teachers to be gentlemen,’ observed Rose.

‘This fellow is the reverse,’ Laxley pronounced, and desired Harry to confirm it; but Harry took a gulp of coffee.

‘Oblige me by recollecting that I have called him a friend of mine,’ said Evan.

Rose murmured to him:  ‘Pray forgive me!  I forgot.’  Laxley hummed something about ‘taste.’  Aunt Bel led from the theme by a lively anecdote.

After breakfast the party broke into knots, and canvassed Laxley’s behaviour to Evan, which was generally condemned.  Rose met the young men strolling on the lawn; and, with her usual bluntness, accused Laxley of wishing to insult her friend.

‘I speak to him—­do I not?’ said Laxley.  ’What would you have more?  I admit the obligation of speaking to him when I meet him in your house.  Out of it—­that ‘s another matter.’

‘But what is the cause for your conduct to him, Ferdinand?’

‘By Jove!’ cried Harry, ’I wonder he puts up with it I wouldn’t.  I’d have a shot with you, my boy.’

‘Extremely honoured,’ said Laxley.  ’But neither you nor I care to fight tailors.’

‘Tailors!’ exclaimed Rose.  There was a sharp twitch in her body, as if she had been stung or struck.

‘Look here, Rose,’ said Laxley; ’I meet him, he insults me, and to get out of the consequences tells me he’s the son of a tailor, and a tailor himself; knowing that it ties my hands.  Very well, he puts himself hors de combat to save his bones.  Let him unsay it, and choose whether he ’ll apologize or not, and I’ll treat him accordingly.  At present I’m not bound to do more than respect the house I find he has somehow got admission to.’

‘It’s clear it was that other fellow,’ said Harry, casting a side-glance up at the Countess’s window.

Rose looked straight at Laxley, and abruptly turned on her heel.

In the afternoon, Lady Jocelyn sent a message to Evan that she wished to see him.  Rose was with her mother.  Lady Jocelyn had only to say, that if he thought his friend a suitable tutor for Miss Bonner, they would be happy to give him the office at Beckley Court.  Glad to befriend poor Jack, Evan gave the needful assurances, and was requested to go and fetch him forthwith.  When he left the room, Rose marched out silently beside him.

‘Will you ride over with me, Rose?’ he said, though scarcely anxious that she should see Mr. Raikes immediately.

The singular sharpness of her refusal astonished him none the less.

Project Gutenberg
Evan Harrington — Complete from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.