The Forsyte Saga - Complete eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,232 pages of information about The Forsyte Saga.

The Forsyte Saga - Complete eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,232 pages of information about The Forsyte Saga.

The Rev. Mr. Boms now rose to his feet.  “If I may venture to express myself,” he said, “I should say that the fact of the—­er—­deceased having committed suicide should weigh very heavily—­very heavily with our worthy chairman.  I have no doubt it has weighed with him, for—­I say this for myself and I think for everyone present (hear, hear)—­he enjoys our confidence in a high degree.  We all desire, I should hope, to be charitable.  But I feel sure” (he-looked severely at the late superintendent’s brother-in-law) “that he will in some way, by some written expression, or better perhaps by reducing the amount, record our grave disapproval that so promising and valuable a life should have been thus impiously removed from a sphere where both its own interests and—­if I may say so—­our interests so imperatively demanded its continuance.  We should not—­nay, we may not—­countenance so grave a dereliction of all duty, both human and divine.”

The reverend gentleman resumed his seat.  The late superintendent’s brother-in-law again rose:  “What I have said I stick to,” he said; “the amount is not enough!”

The first shareholder struck in:  “I challenge the legality of the payment.  In my opinion this payment is not legal.  The Company’s solicitor is present; I believe I am in order in asking him the question.”

All eyes were now turned upon Soames.  Something had arisen!

He stood up, close-lipped and cold; his nerves inwardly fluttered, his attention tweaked away at last from contemplation of that cloud looming on the horizon of his mind.

“The point,” he said in a low, thin voice, “is by no means clear.  As there is no possibility of future consideration being received, it is doubtful whether the payment is strictly legal.  If it is desired, the opinion of the court could be taken.”

The superintendent’s brother-in-law frowned, and said in a meaning tone:  “We have no doubt the opinion of the court could be taken.  May I ask the name of the gentleman who has given us that striking piece of information?  Mr. Soames Forsyte?  Indeed!” He looked from Soames to old Jolyon in a pointed manner.

A flush coloured Soames’ pale cheeks, but his superciliousness did not waver.  Old Jolyon fixed his eyes on the speaker.

“If,” he said, “the late superintendents brother-in-law has nothing more to say, I propose that the report and accounts....”

At this moment, however, there rose one of those five silent, stolid shareholders, who had excited Soames’ sympathy.  He said: 

“I deprecate the proposal altogether.  We are expected to give charity to this man’s wife and children, who, you tell us, were dependent on him.  They may have been; I do not care whether they were or not.  I object to the whole thing on principle.  It is high time a stand was made against this sentimental humanitarianism.  The country is eaten up with it.  I object to my money being paid to these people of whom I know nothing, who have done nothing to earn it.  I object in toto; it is not business.  I now move that the report and accounts be put back, and amended by striking out the grant altogether.”

Project Gutenberg
The Forsyte Saga - Complete from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.