The Sea Fairies eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 167 pages of information about The Sea Fairies.

The Sea Fairies eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 167 pages of information about The Sea Fairies.

“From a transparent jellyfish which naturally emits a strong and beautiful electric light,” was the answer.  “We have many hundreds of them in our palaces, as you will presently see.”

Their way was now lighted by small, phosphorescent creatures scattered about the sea gardens and which Merla informed them were hyalaea, or sea glowworms.  But their light was dim when compared to that of the electric jellyfish, which they found placed in clusters upon the ceilings of all the rooms of the palaces, rendering them light as day.  Trot watched these curious creatures with delight, for delicately colored lights ran around their bodies in every direction in a continuous stream, shedding splendid rays throughout the vast halls.

A group of mermaids met the visitors in the hall of the main palace and told Merla the queen had instructed them to show the guests to their rooms as soon as they arrived.  So Trot followed two of them through several passages, after which they swam upward and entered a circular opening.  There were no stairs here, because there was no need of them, and the little girl soon found herself in an upper room that was very beautiful indeed.

All the walls were covered with iridescent shells, polished till they resembled mother-of-pearl, and upon the glass ceiling were clusters of the brilliant electric jellyfish, rendering the room bright and cheerful with their radiance.  In one corner stood a couch of white coral, with gossamer draperies hanging around it from the four high posts.  Upon examining it, the child found the couch was covered with soft, amber sponges, which rendered it very comfortable to lie upon.  In a wardrobe she found several beautiful gossamer gowns richly embroidered in colored seaweeds, and these Mayre was told she might wear while she remained the guest of the mermaids.  She also found a toilet table with brushes, combs and other conveniences, all of which were made of polished tortoise-shell.

Really, the room was more dainty and comfortable than one might suppose possible in a palace far beneath the surface of the sea, and Trot was greatly delighted with her new quarters.  The mermaid attendants assisted the child to dress herself in one of the prettiest robes, which she found to be quite dry and fitted her comfortably.  Then the sea-maids brushed and dressed her hair, and tied it with ribbons of cherry-red seaweed.  Finally they placed around her neck a string of pearls that would have been priceless upon the earth, and now the little girl announced she was ready for supper and had a good appetite.

Cap’n Bill had been given a similar room near Trot, but the old sailor refused to change his clothes for any others offered him, for which reason he was ready for supper long before his comrade.  “What bothers me, mate,” he said to the little girl as the y swam toward the great banquet hall where Queen Aquareine awaited them, “is why ain’t we crushed by the pressin’ of the water agin us, bein’ as we’re down here in the deep sea.”

Project Gutenberg
The Sea Fairies from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.