Sky Island: being the further exciting adventures of Trot and Cap'n Bill after their visit to the sea fairies eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 216 pages of information about Sky Island.

Sky Island: being the further exciting adventures of Trot and Cap'n Bill after their visit to the sea fairies eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 216 pages of information about Sky Island.

Then he brought from the shed the contrivance he had made the night before.  It was merely a swing seat.  He had taken a wide board that was just long enough for both the boy and girl to sit upon, and had bored six holes in it, two holes at each end and two in the middle.  Through these holes he had run stout ropes in such a way that the seat could not turn and the occupants could hold on to the ropes on either side of them.  The ropes were all knotted together at the top, where there was a loop that could be hooked upon the crooked handle of the umbrella.

Button-Bright and Trot both thought Cap’n Bill’s invention very clever.  The sailor placed the board upon the ground while they sat in their places, Button-Bright at the right of Trot, and then the boy hooked the rope loop to the handle of the umbrella, which he spread wide open.  “I want to go to the town over yonder,” he said, pointing with his finger to the roofs of the houses that showed around the bend in the cliff.

At once the umbrella rose into the air, slowly at first, but quickly gathering speed.  Trot and Button-Bright held fast to the ropes and were carried along very easily and comfortably.  It seemed scarcely a minute before they were in the town, and when the umbrella set them down just in front of the store—­for it seemed to know just where they wanted to go—­a wondering crowd gathered around them.  Trot ran in and changed the yarn, while Button-Bright stayed outside and stared at the people who stared at him.  They asked questions, too, wanting to know what sort of an aeroplane this was and where his power was stored and lots of other things, but the boy answered not a sound.  When the little girl came back and took her seat, Button-Bright said, “I want to go to Trot’s house.”

The simple villagers could not understand how the umbrella suddenly lifted the two children into the air and carried them away.  They had read of airships, but here was something wholly beyond their comprehension.

Cap’n Bill had stood in front of the house, watching with a feeling akin to bewilderment the flight of the Magic Umbrella.  He could follow its course until it descended in the village, and he was so amazed and absorbed that his pipe went out.  He had not moved from his position when the umbrella started back.  The sailor’s big blue eyes watched it draw near and settle down with its passengers upon just the spot it had started from.

Trot was joyous and greatly excited.  “Oh, Cap’n, it’s gal-lor-ious!” she cried in ecstasy.  “It beats ridin’ in a boat or—­or—­in anything else.  You feel so light an’ free an’—­an’—­glad!  I’m sorry the trip didn’t last longer, though.  Only trouble is, you go too fast.”

Button-Bright was smiling contentedly.  He had proved to both Trot and Cap’n Bill that he had told the truth about the Magic Umbrella, however marvelous his tale had seemed to them.  “I’ll take you on another trip, if you like,” said he.  “I’m in no hurry to go home, and if you will let me stay with you another day, we can make two or three little trips with the family luck.”

Project Gutenberg
Sky Island: being the further exciting adventures of Trot and Cap'n Bill after their visit to the sea fairies from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.