How and When to Be Your Own Doctor eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 350 pages of information about How and When to Be Your Own Doctor.

How and When to Be Your Own Doctor eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 350 pages of information about How and When to Be Your Own Doctor.

People frequently punish themselves with severe, incapacitating illness or even death.  A spiritual illness will not respond very well to physical treatment until the spiritual malaise’s is resolved.  This case has to find enough courage to become honest with themselves, to admit their deeds in all their disgusting detail and then to make amends, or if amends are not possible, to at least cease and desist.  They have to take personal responsibly for what they really are being and what they have really done and most importantly, accept that they are responsible for creating their own illness.  It is not a virus, a cancer cell or something that just fell out of the universe and struck them, innocent victims that they are.  They have made their illness and only they can uncreate it.

Unfortunately, few people who have spent a lifetime indulging themselves in this degree of irresponsibility have the integrity to change.  This is a tough case.  Especially so because they think they are physically ill, they did not come to me to be defined as a “mental” case and tend to reject such approaches.

There is no shortage of additional degenerative conditions that I could describe.  There are eating disorders, shingles, skin problems, kidney disease, Alzheimer’s, senility, mental illness, addictions, chronic fatigue syndrome, aids.  There’s macular degeneration, carpal tunnel syndrome, chronic ear infections (especially in children), tonsillitis, bronchitis, pancreatitis, cystitis, urethritis, prostatitis, colitis, sinusitis, osteomyelitis and a dozen other itises, including appendicitis.  There’s algias (itises of the nerves):  neuralgia, fibromyalgia.  There’s ism’s (really itises of the muscles).  There are ’onias like pneumonia; omas like carcinoma, melanoma and lymphoma.

I could (but won’t) write a page or two on every one of these conditions and turn this book into an encyclopedia.  After twenty five years of practice, there is little I have not seen.  Or helped a body repair.  Generally, everyone of those following pages I’m not going to bother to write would repeat the same message.  That the medical profession has little understanding of the real causes or cures of disease; that the world is full of unnecessary suffering; that there are simple, painless, effective, harmless approaches to eliminating most of the ailments of mankind except the ultimate ailment, old age, the thing that takes us all eventually; that essentially all the diseases resolve from the same approach.

But I have already explained the theoretical basis of natural hygiene, the key role of toxemia, enervation, constipation, the essentials of good diet, fasting and colon cleansing, the importance of regular exercise, and the rational for vitamin supplementation.  I have revealed a lot of the secrets in my bag of tricks, like my favorite herbs, poultices and wheat grass.

Project Gutenberg
How and When to Be Your Own Doctor from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.