An Enquiry Concerning the Principles of Morals eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 167 pages of information about An Enquiry Concerning the Principles of Morals.

An Enquiry Concerning the Principles of Morals eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 167 pages of information about An Enquiry Concerning the Principles of Morals.
though to the eye of reason it may appear as luminous as the sun in his meridian, is so infinitely removed as to affect the senses, neither with light nor heat.  Bring this virtue nearer, by our acquaintance or connexion with the persons, or even by an eloquent recital of the case; our hearts are immediately caught, our sympathy enlivened, and our cool approbation converted into the warmest sentiments of friendship and regard.  These seem necessary and infallible consequences of the general principles of human nature, as discovered in common life and practice.

Again; reverse these views and reasonings:  Consider the matter a posteriori; and weighing the consequences, enquire if the merit of social virtue be not, in a great measure, derived from the feelings of humanity, with which it affects the spectators.  It appears to be matter of fact, that the circumstance of utility, in all subjects, is a source of praise and approbation:  That it is constantly appealed to in all moral decisions concerning the merit and demerit of actions:  That it is the sole source of that high regard paid to justice, fidelity, honour, allegiance, and chastity:  That it is inseparable from all the other social virtues, humanity, generosity, charity, affability, lenity, mercy, and moderation:  And, in a word, that it is a foundation of the chief part of morals, which has a reference to mankind and our fellow-creatures.

It appears also, that, in our general approbation of characters and manners, the useful tendency of the social virtues moves us not by any regards to self-interest, but has an influence much more universal and extensive.  It appears that a tendency to public good, and to the promoting of peace, harmony, and order in society, does always, by affecting the benevolent principles of our frame, engage us on the side of the social virtues.  And it appears, as an additional confirmation, that these principles of humanity and sympathy enter so deeply into all our sentiments, and have so powerful an influence, as may enable them to excite the strongest censure and applause.  The present theory is the simple result of all these inferences, each of which seems founded on uniform experience and observation.

Were it doubtful, whether there were any such principle in our nature as humanity or a concern for others, yet when we see, in numberless instances, that whatever has a tendency to promote the interests of society, is so highly approved of, we ought thence to learn the force of the benevolent principle; since it is impossible for anything to please as means to an end, where the end is totally indifferent.  On the other hand, were it doubtful, whether there were, implanted in our nature, any general principle of moral blame and approbation, yet when we see, in numberless instances, the influence of humanity, we ought thence to conclude, that it is impossible, but that everything which promotes the interest of society must communicate pleasure, and what is pernicious give uneasiness.  But when these different reflections and observations concur in establishing the same conclusion, must they not bestow an undisputed evidence upon it?

Project Gutenberg
An Enquiry Concerning the Principles of Morals from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.