The Nether World eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 609 pages of information about The Nether World.

The Nether World eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 609 pages of information about The Nether World.

‘I just said a word or two in my note,’ she resumed, ’that you might have replied if you thought nothing could be gained by my speaking to you.  I couldn’t explain fully what I had in mind.  I don’t know that I’ve anything very clear to say even now, but—­you know what has happened to me; you know that I have nothing to look forward to, that I can only hope to keep from being & burden to my father.  I am getting stronger; it’s time I tried to find something to do.  But I—­’

Her voice failed again.  Sidney gazed at her, and saw the dull lamplight just glisten on her hair.  She was bending forward a little, her hands joined and resting on her knee.

‘Have you thought what kind of—­of work would be best for you?’ Sidney asked.  The ‘work’ stuck in his throat, and he seemed to himself brutal in his way of uttering it.  But he was glad when he had put the question thus directly; one at least of his resolves was carried out.

‘I know I’ve no right to choose, when there’s necessity,’ she answered, in a very low tone.  ’Most women would naturally think of needlework; but I know so little of it; I scarcely ever did any.  If I could—­I might perhaps do that at home, and I feel—­if I could only avoid—­if I could only be spared going among strangers—­’

Her faltering voice sank lower and lower; she seemed as if she would have hidden her face even under its veil.

‘I feel sure you will have no difficulty,’ Sidney hastened to reply, his own voice unsteady.  ’Certainly you can get work at home.  Why do you trouble yourself with the thought of going among strangers?  There’ll never be the least need for that; I’m sure there won’t.  Haven’t you spoken about it to your father?’

’Yes.  But he is so kind to me that he won’t hear of work at all.  It was partly on that account that I took the step of appealing to you.  He doesn’t know who I am meeting here to-night.  Would you—­I don’t know whether I ought to ask—­but perhaps if you spoke to him in a day or two, and made him understand how strong my wish is.  He dreads lest we should be parted, but I hope I shall never have to leave him.  And then, of course, father is not very well able to advise me—­about work, I mean.  You have more experience.  I am so helpless.  Oh, if you knew how helpless I feel!’

‘If you really wish it, I will talk with your father—­’

’Indeed, I do wish it.  My coming to live here has made everything so uncomfortable for him and the children.  Even his friends can’t visit him as they would; I feel that, though he won’t admit that it’s made any difference.’

Sidney looked to the ground.  He heard her voice falter as it continued.

’If I’m to live here still, it mustn’t be at the cost of all his comfort.  I keep almost always in the one room.  I shouldn’t be in the way if anyone came.  I’ve been afraid, Mr. Kirkwood, that perhaps you feared to come lest, whilst I was not very well, it might have been an inconvenience to us.  Please don’t think that.  I shall never—­ see either friends or strangers unless it is absolutely needful.’

Project Gutenberg
The Nether World from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.