Ulysses eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 997 pages of information about Ulysses.

Ulysses eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 997 pages of information about Ulysses.

Bloom:  (Indistinctly) University of life.  Bad art.

Beaufoy:  (Shouts) It’s a damnably foul lie, showing the moral rottenness of the man! (He extends his portfolio) We have here damning evidence, the corpus delicti, my lord, a specimen of my maturer work disfigured by the hallmark of the beast.

A voice from the gallery

    Moses, Moses, king of the jews,
    Wiped his arse in the Daily News.

Bloom:  (Bravely) Overdrawn.

Beaufoy:  You low cad!  You ought to be ducked in the horsepond, you rotter! (To the court) Why, look at the man’s private life!  Leading a quadruple existence!  Street angel and house devil.  Not fit to be mentioned in mixed society!  The archconspirator of the age!

Bloom:  (To the court) And he, a bachelor, how ...

First watch:  The King versus Bloom.  Call the woman Driscoll.

The Crier:  Mary Driscoll, scullerymaid!

(Mary Driscoll, A slipshod servant girl, approachesShe has A bucket on
the Crook of her arm and A scouringbrush in her hand.)

Second watch:  Another!  Are you of the unfortunate class?

Mary Driscoll:  (Indignantly) I’m not a bad one.  I bear a respectable character and was four months in my last place.  I was in a situation, six pounds a year and my chances with Fridays out and I had to leave owing to his carryings on.

First watch:  What do you tax him with?

Mary Driscoll:  He made a certain suggestion but I thought more of myself as poor as I am.

Bloom:  (In HOUSEJACKET of RIPPLECLOTH, flannel trousers, heelless slippers, unshaven, his hair rumpledSoftly) I treated you white.  I gave you mementos, smart emerald garters far above your station.  Incautiously I took your part when you were accused of pilfering.  There’s a medium in all things.  Play cricket.

Mary Driscoll:  (Excitedly) As God is looking down on me this night if ever I laid a hand to them oysters!

First watch:  The offence complained of?  Did something happen?

Mary Driscoll:  He surprised me in the rere of the premises, Your honour, when the missus was out shopping one morning with a request for a safety pin.  He held me and I was discoloured in four places as a result.  And he interfered twict with my clothing.

Bloom:  She counterassaulted.

Mary Driscoll:  (Scornfully) I had more respect for the scouringbrush, so I had.  I remonstrated with him, Your lord, and he remarked:  keep it quiet.

Project Gutenberg
Ulysses from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.