Copyright Law of the United States of America and Related Laws Contained in Title 17 of the United States Code, Circular 92 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 350 pages of information about Copyright Law of the United States of America and Related Laws Contained in Title 17 of the United States Code, Circular 92.

Copyright Law of the United States of America and Related Laws Contained in Title 17 of the United States Code, Circular 92 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 350 pages of information about Copyright Law of the United States of America and Related Laws Contained in Title 17 of the United States Code, Circular 92.

(i) in which the fixed sounds consist entirely of spoken word recordings, or

(ii) in which one or more computer programs are fixed, except that a digital musical recording may contain statements or instructions constituting the fixed sounds and incidental material, and statements or instructions to be used directly or indirectly in order to bring about the perception, reproduction, or communication of the fixed sounds and incidental material.

(C) For purposes of this paragraph-

(i) a “spoken word recording” is a sound recording in which are fixed only a series of spoken words, except that the spoken words may be accompanied by incidental musical or other sounds, and

(ii) the term “incidental” means related to and relatively minor by comparison.

(6) “Distribute” means to sell, lease, or assign a product to consumers in the United States, or to sell, lease, or assign a product in the United States for ultimate transfer to consumers in the United States.

(7) An “interested copyright party” is-

(A) the owner of the exclusive right under section 106(1) of this title to reproduce a sound recording of a musical work that has been embodied in a digital musical recording or analog musical recording lawfully made under this title that has been distributed;

(B) the legal or beneficial owner of, or the person that controls, the right to reproduce in a digital musical recording or analog musical recording a musical work that has been embodied in a digital musical recording or analog musical recording lawfully made under this title that has been distributed;

(C) a featured recording artist who performs on a sound recording that has been distributed; or

(D) any association or other organization-

(i) representing persons specified in subparagraph (A), (B), or (C), or

(ii) engaged in licensing rights in musical works to music users on behalf of writers and publishers.

(8) To “manufacture” means to produce or assemble a product in the United States.  A “manufacturer” is a person who manufactures.

(9) A “music publisher” is a person that is authorized to license the reproduction of a particular musical work in a sound recording.

(10) A “professional model product” is an audio recording device that is designed, manufactured, marketed, and intended for use by recording professionals in the ordinary course of a lawful business, in accordance with such requirements as the Secretary of Commerce shall establish by regulation.

(11) The term “serial copying” means the duplication in a digital format of a copyrighted musical work or sound recording from a digital reproduction of a digital musical recording.  The term “digital reproduction of a digital musical recording” does not include a digital musical recording as distributed, by authority of the copyright owner, for ultimate sale to consumers.

Project Gutenberg
Copyright Law of the United States of America and Related Laws Contained in Title 17 of the United States Code, Circular 92 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.