North and South eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 692 pages of information about North and South.

North and South eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 692 pages of information about North and South.

‘You are mistaken,’ said Margaret, roused by the aspersion on her beloved South to a fond vehemence of defence, that brought the colour into her cheeks and the angry tears into her eyes.  ’You do not know anything about the South.  If there is less adventure or less progress—­I suppose I must not say less excitement—­from the gambling spirit of trade, which seems requisite to force out these wonderful inventions, there is less suffering also.  I see men h ere going about in the streets who look ground down by some pinching sorrow or care—­who are not only sufferers but haters.  Now, in the South we have our poor, but there is not that terrible expression in their countenances of a sullen sense of injustice which I see here.  You do not know the South, Mr. Thornton,’ she concluded, collapsing into a determined silence, and angry with herself for having said so much.

‘And may I say you do not know the North?’ asked he, with an inexpressible gentleness in his tone, as he saw that he had really hurt her.  She continued resolutely silent; yearning after the lovely haunts she had left far away in Hampshire, with a passionate longing that made her feel her voice would be unsteady and trembling if she spoke.

‘At any rate, Mr. Thornton,’ said Mrs. Hale, ’you will allow that Milton is a much more smoky, dirty town than you will ever meet with in the South.’

‘I’m afraid I must give up its cleanliness,’ said Mr. Thornton, with the quick gleaming smile.  ’But we are bidden by parliament to burn our own smoke; so I suppose, like good little children, we shall do as we are bid—­some time.’

’But I think you told me you had altered your chimneys so as to consume the smoke, did you not?’ asked Mr. Hale.

’Mine were altered by my own will, before parliament meddled with the affair.  It was an immediate outlay, but it repays me in the saving of coal.  I’m not sure whether I should have done it, if I had waited until the act was passed.  At any rate, I should have waited to be informed against and fined, and given all the trouble in yielding that I legally could.  But all laws which depend for their enforcement upon informers and fines, become inert from the odiousness of the machinery.  I doubt if there has been a chimney in Milton informed against for five years past, although some are constantly sending out one-third of their coal in what is called here unparliamentary smoke.’

’I only know it is impossible to keep the muslin blinds clean here above a week together; and at Helstone we have had them up for a month or more, and they have not looked dirty at the end of that time.  And as for hands—­Margaret, how many times did you say you had washed your hands this morning before twelve o’clock?  Three times, was it not?’

‘Yes, mamma.’

’You seem to have a strong objection to acts of parliament and all legislation affecting your mode of management down here at Milton,’ said Mr. Hale.

Project Gutenberg
North and South from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.