Nature Cure eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 370 pages of information about Nature Cure.

Nature Cure eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 370 pages of information about Nature Cure.

Common experience teaches us that the concentration of the will on the thing to be accomplished greatly heightens and increases all physical, mental and moral powers.

Therefore the victory in acute diseases is conditioned by the absolute faith, confidence and serenity of mind on the part of the patient.  The more he exercises these harmonizing and invigorating qualities of mind and soul, the more favorable are the conditions for the little soldiers who are fighting his battles in the inflamed parts and organs.  The blood and nerve currents are less impeded and disturbed, and flow more normally.  The local congestion is relieved, and this favors the natural course of the inflammatory processes.

Therefore, instead of being overcome with fear and anxiety, as most people are under such circumstances, do not become alarmed, nor convey alarm to the millions of little cells battling in the inflamed parts.  Speak to them like a commander addressing his troops:  “We understand the laws of disease and cure, we know that these inflammatory and febrile symptoms are the result of Nature’s healing efforts, we have perfect confidence in her wisdom and in the efficiency of her healing forces.  This fever is merely a good house-cleaning, a healing crisis.  We are eliminating morbid matter, poisons and germs which were endangering health and life.

“We rejoice over the purification and regeneration now taking place and benefiting the whole body.  Fear not!  Attend to your work quietly and serenely!  Let us open ourselves wide to the inflow of life from the source of all life in the innermost parts of our being!  The life in us is the life of God.  We are strengthened and made whole by the Divine life and power which animate the universe.”

The serenity of your mind, backed by absolute trust in the Law and by the power of a strong Will, infuses the cells and tissues with new life and vigor, enabling them to turn the acute disease into a beneficial, cleansing and healing crisis.

In the following we give a similar formula for treating chronic constipation.

Say to the cells in the liver, the pancreas and the intestinal tract: 

“I am not going to force you any longer with drugs or enemas to do your duty.  From now on you must work on your own initiative.  Your secretions will become more abundant.  Every day at—­o’clock the bowels will move freely and easily.”

At the appointed time make the effort, whether you are success-ful or not, and do not resort to the enema until it becomes an absolute necessity.  If you combine with the mental and physical effort a natural diet, cold sitz baths, massage and osteopathic treatment, you will have need of the enema at increasingly longer intervals, and soon be able to discard it altogether.

Be careful, however, not to employ your intelligence and your will power to suppress acute inflammatory and febrile processes and symptoms.  This can be accomplished by the power of the will as well as by ice bags and poisonous drugs, and its effect would be to turn Nature’s acute cleansing efforts into chronic disease.

Project Gutenberg
Nature Cure from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.