Complete Plays of John Galsworthy eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,284 pages of information about Complete Plays of John Galsworthy.

Complete Plays of John Galsworthy eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,284 pages of information about Complete Plays of John Galsworthy.

Press. [Writing] “For fifteen years sewn trousers.”  What would a good week be, Mrs. Lemmy?

Mrs. L.  ’Tes a very gude week, five shellin’s.

Lemmy. [From the window] Bloomin’ millionairess, Muvver.  She’s lookin’ forward to ’eaven, where vey don’t wear no trahsers.

Mrs. L. [With spirit] ‘Tidn for me to zay whether they du.  An’ ’tes on’y when I’m a bit low-sperrity-like as I wants to go therr.  What I am a-lukin’ forward to, though, ’tes a day in the country.  I’ve not a-had one since before the war.  A kind lady brought me in that bit of ’eather; ’tes wonderful sweet stuff when the ’oney’s in et.  When I was a little gell I used to zet in the ‘eather gatherin’ the whorts, an’ me little mouth all black wi’ eatin’ them.  ’Twas in the ‘eather I used to zet, Sundays, courtin’.  All flesh is grass—­ an’ ’tesn’t no bad thing—­grass.

Press. [Writing] “The old paganism of the country.”  What is your view of life, Mrs. Lemmy?

Lemmy. [Suddenly] Wot is ’er voo of life?  Shall I tell yer mine?  Life’s a disease—­a blinkin’ oak-apple!  Daon’t myke no mistyke.  An’ ’umen life’s a yumourous disease; that’s all the difference.  Why—­ wot else can it be?  See the bloomin’ promise an’ the blighted performance—­different as a ’eadline to the noos inside.  But yer couldn’t myke Muvver see vat—­not if yer talked to ’er for a wok.  Muvver still believes in fings.  She’s a country gell; at a ’undred and fifty she’ll be a country gell, won’t yer, old lydy?

Mrs. L. Well, ’tesn’t never been ’ome to me in London.  I lived in the country forty year—­I did my lovin’ there; I burried father therr.  Therr bain’t nothin’ in life, yu know, but a bit o’ lovin’—­ all said an’ done; bit o’ lovin’, with the wind, an’ the stars out.

Lemmy. [In a loud apologetic whisper] She ’yn’t often like this.  I told yer she’d got a glawss o’ port in ’er.

Mrs. L.  ‘Tes a brave pleasure, is lovin’.  I likes to zee et in young folk.  I likes to zee ’em kissin’; shows the ’eart in ’em.  ’Tes the ’eart makes the world go round; ‘tesn’t nothin’ else, in my opinion.

Press. [Writing] “—­sings the swan song of the heart.”——­

Mrs. L. [Overhearing] No, I never yeard a swan sing—­never!  But I tell ’ee what I ’eve ‘eard; the Bells singin’ in th’ orchard ‘angin’ up the clothes to dry, an’ the cuckoos callin’ back to ’em. [Smiling] There’s a-many songs in the country-the ’eart is freelike in th’ country!

Lemmy. [Soto voce] Gi’ me the Strand at ar’ past nine.

Press. [Writing] “Town and country——­”

Mrs. L.  ’Tidn’t like that in London; one day’s jest like another. 
Not but what therr’s a ‘eap o’ kind’eartedness ’ere.

Lemmy. [Gloomily] Kind-’eartedness!  I daon’t fink “Boys an’ Gells come out to play.”

Project Gutenberg
Complete Plays of John Galsworthy from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.