Complete Plays of John Galsworthy eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,284 pages of information about Complete Plays of John Galsworthy.

Complete Plays of John Galsworthy eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,284 pages of information about Complete Plays of John Galsworthy.

Lord W. Can you apply it in theory?

Press.  I believe it is done.  But would you allow yourself to be blown up with impunity?

Lord W. Well, that’s a bit extreme.  But I quite sympathise with this chap.  Imagine yourself in his shoes.  He sees a huge house, all these bottles; us swilling them down; perhaps he’s got a starving wife, or consumptive kids.

Press. [Writing and murmuring] Um-m!  “Kids.”

Lord W. He thinks:  “But for the grace of God, there swill I. Why should that blighter have everything and I nothing?” and all that.

Press. [Writing] “And all that.” [Eagerly] Yes?

Lord W. And gradually—­you see—­this contrast—­becomes an obsession with him.  “There’s got to be an example made,” he thinks; and—­er—­ he makes it, don’t you know?

Press. [Writing] Ye-es?  And—­when you’re the example?

Lord W. Well, you feel a bit blue, of course.  But my point is that you quite see it.

Press.  From the other world.  Do you believe in a future life, Lord William?  The public took a lot of interest in the question, if you remember, at the time of the war.  It might revive at any moment, if there’s to be a revolution.

Lord W. The wish is always father to the thought, isn’t it?

Press.  Yes!  But—­er—­doesn’t the question of a future life rather bear on your point about kindness?  If there isn’t one—­why be kind?

Lord W. Well, I should say one oughtn’t to be kind for any motive—­ that’s self-interest; but just because one feels it, don’t you know.

Press. [Writing vigorously] That’s very new—­very new!

Lord W. [Simply] You chaps are wonderful.

Press. [Doubtfully] You mean we’re—­we’re——­

Lord W. No, really.  You have such a d—–­d hard time.  It must be perfectly beastly to interview fellows like me.

Press.  Oh!  Not at all, Lord William.  Not at all.  I assure you compared with a literary man, it’s—­it’s almost heavenly.

Lord W. You must have a wonderful knowledge of things.

Press. [Bridling a little] Well—­I shouldn’t say that.

Lord W. I don’t see how you can avoid it.  You turn your hands to everything.

Press. [Modestly] Well—­yes, Yes.

Lord W. I say:  Is there really going to be a revolution, or are you making it up, you Press?

Press.  We don’t know.  We never know whether we come before the event, or it comes before us.

Lord W. That’s—­very deep—­very dip.  D’you mind lending me your note-book a moment.  I’d like to stick that down.  All right, I’ll use the other end. [The press hands it hypnotically.]

Lord W. [Jotting] Thanks awfully.  Now what’s your real opinion of the situation?

Project Gutenberg
Complete Plays of John Galsworthy from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.