Complete Plays of John Galsworthy eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,284 pages of information about Complete Plays of John Galsworthy.

Complete Plays of John Galsworthy eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,284 pages of information about Complete Plays of John Galsworthy.

George.  Reggie Huntingdon, and the Fullartons.

Lady Dedmond. [Softly] You know, my dear boy, I’ve been meaning to speak to you for a long time.  It is such a pity you and Clare—­What is it?

George.  God knows!  I try, and I believe she does.

Sir Charles.  It’s distressin’—­for us, you know, my dear fellow—­ distressin’.

Lady Dedmond.  I know it’s been going on for a long time.

George.  Oh! leave it alone, mother.

Lady Dedmond.  But, George, I’m afraid this man has brought it to a point—­put ideas into her head.

George.  You can’t dislike him more than I do.  But there’s nothing one can object to.

Lady Dedmond.  Could Reggie Huntingdon do anything, now he’s home?  Brothers sometimes——­

George.  I can’t bear my affairs being messed about——­

Lady Dedmond.  Well! it would be better for you and Clare to be supposed to be out together, than for her to be out alone.  Go quietly into the dining-room and wait for her.

Sir Charles.  Good!  Leave your mother to make up something.  She’ll do it!

Lady Dedmond.  That may be he.  Quick!

     [A bell sounds.]

     George goes out into the hall, leaving the door open in his
     haste.  Lady Dedmond, following, calls “Paynter!” Paynter

Lady Dedmond.  Don’t say anything about your master and mistress being out.  I’ll explain.

Paynter.  The master, my lady?

Lady Dedmond.  Yes, I know.  But you needn’t say so.  Do you understand?

Paynter. [In polite dudgeon] Just so, my lady.

     [He goes out.]

Sir Charles.  By Jove!  That fellow smells a rat!

Lady Dedmond.  Be careful, Charles!

Sir Charles.  I should think so.

Lady Dedmond.  I shall simply say they’re dining out, and that we’re not to wait Bridge for them.

Sir Charles. [Listening] He’s having a palaver with that man of

     Paynter, reappearing, announces:  “Captain Huntingdon.”  Sir
     Charles and lady Dedmond turn to him with relief.

Lady Dedmond.  Ah!  It’s you, Reginald!

Huntingdon. [A tall, fair soldier, of thirty] How d’you do?  How are you, sir?  What’s the matter with their man?

She Charles.  What!

Huntingdon.  I was going into the dining-room to get rid of my cigar; and he said:  “Not in there, sir.  The master’s there, but my instructions are to the effect that he’s not.”

Project Gutenberg
Complete Plays of John Galsworthy from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.