Stammering, Its Cause and Cure eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 176 pages of information about Stammering, Its Cause and Cure.

Stammering, Its Cause and Cure eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 176 pages of information about Stammering, Its Cause and Cure.

These things you cannot determine for yourself.  You have no facilities for determining the facts.  You lack the scientific knowledge upon which such conclusions must be based.  You cannot diagnose your case of stammering any more than you could accurately diagnose a highly complex nervous disease.  In order, therefore, that the most important of all questions, viz.:  “Can I be Cured?” may be correctly and authoritatively answered, I am willing to diagnose your case and give you a typewritten report of your condition, telling you whether or not you are still in a curable stage.

It goes without saying that this diagnosis must be based upon a description of the case in question.  This description must be accurate and reliable as well as thorough.  In order to insure this, I furnish with each book a Diagnosis Blank, which when properly filled out, gives me the information necessary to determine the durability of the case, as well as to furnish much other valuable information about the individual’s condition.

In no case, will I undertake to pass on the curability of the stammerer without a diagnosis first being made.  You want the opinion which I give you to be authoritative and dependable—­a report in which you can place your entire confidence.  I cannot give such a report by merely hazarding a guess as to your condition.  I must base my report on the actual facts as they exist.  I must make a careful study of your symptoms, determine what your peculiar combination of symptoms indicates, find out the nature of your trouble, determine its severity.

When you have returned the blank—­and when I have furnished you with the diagnosis of your case, you can depend upon it to be accurate, authoritative, definite and positive.  It will give you the plain facts about your trouble—­be those facts good or bad.



No matter what caused your stammering, no matter how old you are, how long you have stammered, how many times you have tried to be cured—­no matter what you think about your case or whether you believe it to be curable—­if I have diagnosed your trouble and pronounced it curable, then I can cure you.

By the application of the Bogue Unit Method, I can eradicate the cause of your trouble at its very source, and re-establish normal co-ordination between your brain and the muscles of speech, removing every trace of that “mental expectancy” which you call “fear-of-failure.”

I can show you how to place your articulation under perfect control, how to make the formation of words an easy process involving no apparent mental effort or noticeable physical exertion.

I can teach you how to produce any sound or combination of sounds, how to make every word an easy word and every sound an easy sound.

I can show you how to talk without stammering—­how to talk just as freely and fluently as any normal person who has never stammered.

Project Gutenberg
Stammering, Its Cause and Cure from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.