Stammering, Its Cause and Cure eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 176 pages of information about Stammering, Its Cause and Cure.

Stammering, Its Cause and Cure eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 176 pages of information about Stammering, Its Cause and Cure.

The Method at Work:  When the preliminary Examination and Tests have been completed and the student’s course outlined, the actual working of the Bogue Unit Method then begins.  This does not involve the practice of any “ism” or “ology,” nor does it require the use of medicines, drugs, surgery, hypnotism or the “laying-on-of-hands,” but by scientific and natural methods, begins the first step of the work, viz.:  Tearing out the improper methods of speech production.

At every step in the application of the method, the principles which underlie and govern perfect articulation, serve as the foundation of the instruction.  As has been so often stated in this book, these principles of speech never change.  They apply to all persons alike, and all who talk normally apply these principles in the same manner.  Those who stammer violate them, so that in correcting defective speech it is only logical that we should first remove the defective procedure and then institute the correct procedure in its place.

The Bogue Unit Method is three-fold in action.  From this it takes the name “Unit Method.”  The first Unit of Treatment has for its purpose the building up of physical efficiency.  “The first requisite is to be a good animal,” says Herbert Spencer.  This is certainly true of the stammerer, for in his case, normal health is a valuable aid during the time of treatment.  Consequently, the first step is to build up the physical organs and be sure that these are functioning properly.

The second Unit of Treatment restores the mental equilibrium, stabilizes the mental activities and places them under perfect control.  The inability of the mind to control the organs of speech has led to a condition which might be described as a “flabbiness of the mental muscles” which necessitates that the mental condition be altered and improved so that the mind can once more possess the capacity for properly controlling the organs of speech.

The third Unit of Treatment synchronizes and harmonizes mental and physical actions and re-establishes normal co-ordination between the brain and the muscles of speech, which completes the work necessary to bring about a cure.  After both physical and mental conditions have been made normal, it merely remains to link up these two properly-working forces, co-ordinate their activities and firmly inhabitate the correct principles of control, after which it can be said that a complete cure is permanently effected.

Daily Record of Progress:  Beginning with the first day, a complete report in writing is made of the progress.  Each point on which the student makes progress is noted.  If proper advancement is not made on any particular point, special effort is put forth to bring that point up to the standard which has been set.  This makes it possible for the instructor to give individual attention to each student, something which is absolutely essential in many cases.  In other words, it will not do to start the student off and let him work out his own salvation.  The instructor must be constantly at hand, giving advice, correcting faulty articulation and constantly aiding the stammerer in a hundred ways to route the malady.

Project Gutenberg
Stammering, Its Cause and Cure from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.