Dynevor Terrace: or, the clue of life — Volume 1 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 437 pages of information about Dynevor Terrace.

Dynevor Terrace: or, the clue of life — Volume 1 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 437 pages of information about Dynevor Terrace.
my sister’s death, when of course they could not remain.  Mr. Ponsonby had just got his appointment as British envoy in Peru, and wished her to go with him.  It was much against Lord Ormersfield’s advice, but she thought it her duty, poor dear.  I believe he positively hates Lord Ormersfield; and as if for a parting unkindness, he left his little girl at school with orders to spend her holidays with his sister, and never to be with us.’

‘That accounts for it!’ said James.  ’I never knew all this! nor why we were so entirely cut off from Mary Ponsonby.  I wonder what she is now!  She was a droll sturdy child in those days!  We used to call her Downright Dunstable!  She was almost of the same age as Louis, and a great deal stouter, and used to fight for him and herself too.  Has not she been out in Peru?’

’Yes, she went out at seventeen.  I believe she is an infinite comfort to her mother.’

’Poor Mary!  Well, we children lived in the middle of a tragedy, and little suspected it!  By the bye, what relation are the Ponsonbys to us?’

‘Mrs. Ponsonby is my niece.  My dear sister, Mary—­’

’Married Mr. Raymond—­yes, I know!  I’ll make the whole lucid; I’ll draw up a pedigree, and Louis shall learn it.’  And with elaborate neatness he wrote as follows, filling in the dates from the first leaf of an old Bible, after his grandmother had left the room.  The task, lightly undertaken, became a mournful one, and as he read over his performance, his countenance varied from the gentleness of regret to a look of sarcastic pride, as though he felt that the world had dealt hardly by him, and yet disdained to complain.


Pendragons and Dynevors innumerable

Roland Dynevor, d. 1793

1. 2. 3.

— — —

Catharine, m.  James Frost Dynevor, Esq.  Elizabeth, m.  Jocelyn, 3rd Earl of Ormersfield Mary, m.  Ch.  Raymond, Esq. b. 1770 b. 1765 b. 1772 b. 1760 b. 1774 d.1802
                    d. 1816 d. 1835 d. 1833 d. 1800

1.                                     2.
--------------------------------------------------                 Jocelyn, m.  Louisa Villars,                           Mary, m.  Robert Ponsonby Esq.,

Henry Roland m.  Frances Preston Oliver J. Frost 4th Earl of b. 1805 b. 1796 British Envoy
Frost Dynevor b. 1802 Dynevor Ormersfield d. 1826 in Peru.
  b. 1794 d. 1832 b. 1797 b. 1792
  d. 1832

Project Gutenberg
Dynevor Terrace: or, the clue of life — Volume 1 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.