Winesburg, Ohio; a group of tales of Ohio small town life eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 271 pages of information about Winesburg, Ohio; a group of tales of Ohio small town life.

Winesburg, Ohio; a group of tales of Ohio small town life eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 271 pages of information about Winesburg, Ohio; a group of tales of Ohio small town life.
were pasted against tree roots that protruded from the ground.  In gardens back of houses in Winesburg dry shriveled potato vines lay sprawling on the ground.  Men who had finished the evening meal and who had planned to go uptown to talk the evening away with other men at the back of some store changed their minds.  George Willard tramped about in the rain and was glad that it rained.  He felt that way.  He was like Enoch Robinson on the evenings when the old man came down out of his room and wandered alone in the streets.  He was like that only that George Willard had become a tall young man and did not think it manly to weep and carry on.  For a month his mother had been very ill and that had something to do with his sadness, but not much.  He thought about himself and to the young that always brings sadness.

Enoch Robinson and George Willard met beneath a wooden awning that extended out over the sidewalk before Voight’s wagon shop on Maumee Street just off the main street of Winesburg.  They went together from there through the rain-washed streets to the older man’s room on the third floor of the Heffner Block.  The young reporter went willingly enough.  Enoch Robinson asked him to go after the two had talked for ten minutes.  The boy was a little afraid but had never been more curious in his life.  A hundred times he had heard the old man spoken of as a little off his head and he thought himself rather brave and manly to go at all.  From the very beginning, in the street in the rain, the old man talked in a queer way, trying to tell the story of the room in Washington Square and of his life in the room.  “You’ll understand if you try hard enough,” he said conclusively.  “I have looked at you when you went past me on the street and I think you can understand.  It isn’t hard.  All you have to do is to believe what I say, just listen and believe, that’s all there is to it.”

It was past eleven o’clock that evening when old Enoch, talking to George Willard in the room in the Heffner Block, came to the vital thing, the story of the woman and of what drove him out of the city to live out his life alone and defeated in Winesburg.  He sat on a cot by the window with his head in his hand and George Willard was in a chair by a table.  A kerosene lamp sat on the table and the room, although almost bare of furniture, was scrupulously clean.  As the man talked George Willard began to feel that he would like to get out of the chair and sit on the cot also.  He wanted to put his arms about the little old man.  In the half darkness the man talked and the boy listened, filled with sadness.

“She got to coming in there after there hadn’t been anyone in the room for years,” said Enoch Robinson.  “She saw me in the hallway of the house and we got acquainted.  I don’t know just what she did in her own room.  I never went there.  I think she was a musician and played a violin.  Every now and then she came and knocked at the door and I opened it.  In she came and sat down beside me, just sat and looked about and said nothing.  Anyway, she said nothing that mattered.”

Project Gutenberg
Winesburg, Ohio; a group of tales of Ohio small town life from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.