Winesburg, Ohio; a group of tales of Ohio small town life eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 271 pages of information about Winesburg, Ohio; a group of tales of Ohio small town life.

Winesburg, Ohio; a group of tales of Ohio small town life eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 271 pages of information about Winesburg, Ohio; a group of tales of Ohio small town life.

The young telegraph operator was madly in love.  With a kind of religious fervor he had managed to go through the pitfalls of his youth and to remain virginal until after his marriage.  He made for George Willard a picture of his life in the house at Columbus, Ohio, with the young wife.  “In the garden back of our house we planted vegetables,” he said, “you know, peas and corn and such things.  We went to Columbus in early March and as soon as the days became warm I went to work in the garden.  With a spade I turned up the black ground while she ran about laughing and pretending to be afraid of the worms I uncovered.  Late in April came the planting.  In the little paths among the seed beds she stood holding a paper bag in her hand.  The bag was filled with seeds.  A few at a time she handed me the seeds that I might thrust them into the warm, soft ground.”

For a moment there was a catch in the voice of the man talking in the darkness.  “I loved her,” he said.  “I don’t claim not to be a fool.  I love her yet.  There in the dusk in the spring evening I crawled along the black ground to her feet and groveled before her.  I kissed her shoes and the ankles above her shoes.  When the hem of her garment touched my face I trembled.  When after two years of that life I found she had managed to acquire three other lovers who came regularly to our house when I was away at work, I didn’t want to touch them or her.  I just sent her home to her mother and said nothing.  There was nothing to say.  I had four hundred dollars in the bank and I gave her that.  I didn’t ask her reasons.  I didn’t say anything.  When she had gone I cried like a silly boy.  Pretty soon I had a chance to sell the house and I sent that money to her.”

Wash Williams and George Willard arose from the pile of railroad ties and walked along the tracks toward town.  The operator finished his tale quickly, breathlessly.

“Her mother sent for me,” he said.  “She wrote me a letter and asked me to come to their house at Dayton.  When I got there it was evening about this time.”

Wash Williams’ voice rose to a half scream.  “I sat in the parlor of that house two hours.  Her mother took me in there and left me.  Their house was stylish.  They were what is called respectable people.  There were plush chairs and a couch in the room.  I was trembling all over.  I hated the men I thought had wronged her.  I was sick of living alone and wanted her back.  The longer I waited the more raw and tender I became.  I thought that if she came in and just touched me with her hand I would perhaps faint away.  I ached to forgive and forget.”

Wash Williams stopped and stood staring at George Willard.  The boy’s body shook as from a chill.  Again the man’s voice became soft and low.  “She came into the room naked,” he went on.  “Her mother did that.  While I sat there she was taking the girl’s clothes off, perhaps coaxing her to do it.  First I heard voices at the door that led into a little hallway and then it opened softly.  The girl was ashamed and stood perfectly still staring at the floor.  The mother didn’t come into the room.  When she had pushed the girl in through the door she stood in the hallway waiting, hoping we would—­well, you see—­waiting.”

Project Gutenberg
Winesburg, Ohio; a group of tales of Ohio small town life from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.