Diary of Samuel Pepys — Complete 1661 N.S. eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 226 pages of information about Diary of Samuel Pepys — Complete 1661 N.S..

Diary of Samuel Pepys — Complete 1661 N.S. eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 226 pages of information about Diary of Samuel Pepys — Complete 1661 N.S..

6th.  My head hath aked all night, and all this morning, with my last night’s debauch.  Called up this morning by Lieutenant Lambert, who is now made Captain of the Norwich, and he and I went down by water to Greenwich, in our way observing and discoursing upon the things of a ship, he telling me all I asked him, which was of good use to me.  There we went and eat and drank and heard musique at the Globe, and saw the simple motion that is there of a woman with a rod in her hand keeping time to the musique while it plays, which is simple, methinks.  Back again by water, calling at Captain Lambert’s house, which is very handsome and neat, and a fine prospect at top.  So to the office, where we sat a little, and then the Captain and I again to Bridewell to Mr. Holland’s, where his wife also, a plain dowdy, and his mother was.  Here I paid Mrs. Holland the money due from me to her husband.  Here came two young gentlewomen to see Mr. Holland, and one of them could play pretty well upon the viallin, but, good God! how these ignorant people did cry her up for it!  We were very merry.  I staid and supped there, and so home and to bed.  The weather very hot, this night I left off my wastecoat.

7th.  To my Lord’s at Whitehall, but not finding him I went to the Wardrobe and there dined with my Lady, and was very kindly treated by her.  After dinner to the office, and there till late at night.  So home, and to Sir William Batten’s, who is come this day from Chatham with my Lady, who is and has been much troubled with the toothache.  Here I staid till late, and so home and to bed.

8th.  To Whitehall to my Lord, who did tell me that he would have me go to Mr. Townsend, whom he had ordered to discover to me the whole mystery of the Wardrobe, and none else but me, and that he will make me deputy with him for fear that he should die in my Lord’s absence, of which I was glad.  Then to the Cook’s with Mr. Shepley and Mr. Creed, and dined together, and then I went to the Theatre and there saw Bartholomew Faire, the first time it was acted now a-days.  It is a most admirable play and well acted, but too much prophane and abusive.  From thence, meeting Mr. Creed at the door, he and I went to the tobacco shop under Temple Bar gate, and there went up to the top of the house and there sat drinking Lambeth ale a good while.  Then away home, and in my way called upon Mr. Rawlinson (my uncle Wight being out of town), for his advice to answer a letter of my uncle Robert, wherein he do offer me a purchase to lay some money upon, that joynes upon some of his own lands, and plainly telling me that the reason of his advice is the convenience that it will give me as to his estate, of which I am exceeding glad, and am advised to give up wholly the disposal of my money to him, let him do what he will with it, which I shall do.  So home and to bed.

Project Gutenberg
Diary of Samuel Pepys — Complete 1661 N.S. from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.