Atlantis : the antediluvian world eBook

Ignatius Donnelly
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 497 pages of information about Atlantis .

Atlantis : the antediluvian world eBook

Ignatius Donnelly
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 497 pages of information about Atlantis .

The Mound Builders had attained a considerable degree of civilization; they were able to form, in the construction of their works, perfect circles and perfect squares of great accuracy, carried over the varying surface of the country.  One large enclosure comprises exactly forty acres.  At Hopetown, Ohio, are two walled figures—­one a square, the other a circle—­each containing precisely twenty acres.  They must have possessed regular scales of measurement, and the means of determining angles and of computing the area to be enclosed by the square and the circle, so that the space enclosed by each might exactly correspond.

“The most skilful engineer of this day would find it difficult,” says Mr. Squier, “without the aid of instruments, to lay down an accurate square of the great dimensions above represented, measuring, as they do, more than four-fifths of a mile in circumference. . . .  But we not only find accurate squares and perfect circles, but also, as we have seen, octagons of great dimensions.”

They also possessed an accurate system of weights; bracelets of copper on the arms of a skeleton have been found to be of uniform size, measuring each two and nine-tenth inches, and each weighing precisely four ounces.

They built great military works surrounded by walls and ditches, with artificial lakes in the centre to supply water.  One work, Fort Ancient, on the Little Miami River, Ohio, has a circuit of between four and five miles; the embankment was twenty feet high; the fort could have held a garrison of sixty thousand men with their families and provisions.

Not only do we find pyramidal structures of earth in the Mississippi Valley very much like the pyramids of Egypt, Mexico, and Peru, but a very singular structure is repeated in Ohio and Peru:  I refer to the double walls or prolonged pyramids, if I may coin an expression, shown in the cut page 375.

Grand way near Piketon, Ohio.

The Mound Builders possessed chains of fortifications reaching from the southern line of New York diagonally across the country, through Central and Northern Ohio to the Wabash.  It would appear probable, therefore, that while they

Wallsat Gran-Chimu, Peru.

advanced from the south it was from the north-east the savage races came who drove them south or exterminated them.

At Marietta, Ohio, we find a combination of the cross and pyramid., (See p. 334, ante.) At Newark, Ohio, are extensive

Cross and pyramid mound, Ohio.

and intricate works:  they occupy an area two miles square, embraced within embankments twelve miles long.  One of the mounds is a threefold symbol, like a bird’s foot; the central mound is 155 feet long, and the other two each 110 feet it length.  Is this curious design a reminiscence of Atlantis and the three-pronged trident of Poseidon? (See 4th fig., p, 242, ante.)

Project Gutenberg
Atlantis : the antediluvian world from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.