Marie Antoinette — Volume 03 eBook

Jeanne-Louise-Henriette Campan
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 97 pages of information about Marie Antoinette — Volume 03.

Marie Antoinette — Volume 03 eBook

Jeanne-Louise-Henriette Campan
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 97 pages of information about Marie Antoinette — Volume 03.
not leave her until she was again put into bed; she afterwards passed along the staircase, and through the hall of the guards, with a calm demeanour, in the midst of an immense crowd.  The poissardes, who had assumed a right of speaking to sovereigns in their own vulgar language, followed her to the very doors of her apartments, calling out to her with gross expressions, that she ought to produce heirs.  The Queen reached her inner room, hurried and agitated; he shut herself up to weep with me alone, not from jealousy of her sister-in-law’s happiness,—­of that he was incapable,—­but from sorrow at her own situation.

Deprived of the happiness of giving an heir to the crown, the Queen endeavoured to interest herself in the children of the people of her household.  She had long been desirous to bring up one of them herself, and to make it the constant object of her care.  A little village boy, four or five years old, full of health, with a pleasing countenance, remarkably large blue eyes, and fine light hair, got under the feet of the Queen’s horses, when she was taking an airing in a calash, through the hamlet of St. Michel, near Louveciennes.  The coachman and postilions stopped the horses, and the child was rescued without the slightest injury.  Its grandmother rushed out of the door of her cottage to take it; but the Queen, standing up in her calash and extending her arms, called out that the child was hers, and that destiny had given it to her, to console her, no doubt, until she should have the happiness of having one herself.  “Is his mother alive?” asked the Queen.  “No, Madame; my daughter died last winter, and left five small children upon my hands.”  “I will take this one, and provide for all the rest; do you consent?” “Ah, Madame, they are too fortunate,” replied the cottager; “but Jacques is a bad boy.  I hope he will stay with you!” The Queen, taking little Jacques upon her knee, said that she would make him used to her, and gave orders to proceed.  It was necessary, however, to shorten the drive, so violently did Jacques scream, and kick the Queen and her ladies.

The arrival of her Majesty at her apartments at Versailles, holding the little rustic by the hand, astonished the whole household; he cried out with intolerable shrillness that he wanted his grandmother, his brother Louis, and his sister Marianne; nothing could calm him.  He was taken away by the wife of a servant, who was appointed to attend him as nurse.  The other children were put to school.  Little Jacques, whose family name was Armand, came back to the Queen two days afterwards; a white frock trimmed with lace, a rose-coloured sash with silver fringe, and a hat decorated with feathers, were now substituted for the woollen cap, the little red frock, and the wooden shoes.  The child was really very beautiful.  The Queen was enchanted with him; he was brought to her every morning at nine o’clock; he breakfasted and dined with her, and often even with the King.  She liked to call him my child,

Project Gutenberg
Marie Antoinette — Volume 03 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.