Memoirs of Louis XIV and His Court and of the Regency — Complete eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,495 pages of information about Memoirs of Louis XIV and His Court and of the Regency — Complete.

Memoirs of Louis XIV and His Court and of the Regency — Complete eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,495 pages of information about Memoirs of Louis XIV and His Court and of the Regency — Complete.

Aided by his adroit spouse, who already had full possession of the King’s heart and of that of Madame de Maintenon, M. le Dauphin redoubled his attentions in order to possess them also.  These attentions, addressed to Madame de Maintenon, produced their fruit.  She was transported with pleasure at finding a Dauphin upon whom she could rely, instead of one whom she did not like, gave herself up to him accordingly, and by that means secured to him the King’s favour.  The first fortnight made evident to everybody at Marly the extraordinary change that had come over the King with respect to the Dauphin.  His Majesty, generally severe beyond measure with his legitimate children, showed the most marked graciousness for this prince.  The effects of this, and of the change that had taken place in his state, were soon most clearly visible in the Dauphin.  Instead of being timid and retiring, diffident in speech, and more fond of his study than of the salon, he became on a sudden easy and frank, showing himself in public on all occasions, conversing right and left in a gay, agreeable, and dignified manner; presiding, in fact, over the Salon of Marly, and over the groups gathered round him, like the divinity of a temple, who receives with goodness the homage to which he is accustomed, and recompenses the mortals who offer it with gentle regard.

In a short time hunting became a less usual topic of conversation.  History, and even science, were touched upon lightly, pleasantly, and discreetly, in a manner that charmed while it instructed.  The Dauphin spoke with an eloquent freedom that opened all eyes, ears and hearts.  People sometimes, in gathering near him, were less anxious to make their court than to listen to his natural eloquence, and to draw from it delicious instruction.  It is astonishing with what rapidity he gained universal esteem and admiration.  The public joy could not keep silent.  People asked each other if this was really the same man they had known as the Duc de Bourgogne, whether he was a vision or a reality?  One of M. le Dauphin’s friends, to whom this question was addressed, gave a keen reply.  He answered, that the cause of all this surprise was, that previously the people did not, and would not, know this prince, who, nevertheless, to those who had known him, was the same now as he had ever been; and that this justice would be rendered to him when time had shown how much it was deserved.

From the Court to Paris, and from Paris to the provinces, the reputation of the Dauphin flew on rapid wings.  However founded might be this prodigious success, we need not believe it was entirely due to the marvellous qualities of the young prince.  It was in a great measure a reaction against the hostile feeling towards him which had been excited by the cabal, whose efforts I have previously spoken of.  Now that people saw how unjust was this feeling, their astonishment added to their admiration.  Everybody was filled with a sentiment of joy at seeing the first dawn of a new state of things, which promised so much order and happiness after such a long confusion and so much obscurity.

Project Gutenberg
Memoirs of Louis XIV and His Court and of the Regency — Complete from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.