Memoirs of Louis XIV and His Court and of the Regency — Volume 07 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 95 pages of information about Memoirs of Louis XIV and His Court and of the Regency — Volume 07.

Memoirs of Louis XIV and His Court and of the Regency — Volume 07 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 95 pages of information about Memoirs of Louis XIV and His Court and of the Regency — Volume 07.
imposed on them.  These broils went on, until at last a suit, which Cardinal de Bouillon had commenced against the refractory monks, and which had been carried into Grand Council of Paris, was decided against him, notwithstanding all the efforts he made to obtain a contrary verdict.  This was the last drop which made the too full cup overflow, and which consummated the resolution that Cardinal had long since had in his head, and which he now executed.

By the terms of his exile, he was allowed to visit, without restraint, his various abbeys, situated in different parts of the realm.  He took advantage of this privilege, gave out that he was going to Normandy, but instead of doing so, posted away to Picardy, stopped briefly at Abbeville, gained Arras, where he had the Abbey of Saint-Waast, thence feigning to go and see his abbey of Vigogne, he passed over into the camp of the enemy, and threw himself into the arms of the Duke of Marlborough and Prince Eugene.  The Prince d’Auvergne, his nephew, had deserted from France in a similar manner some time before, as I have related in its place, and was in waiting to receive the Cardinal, who was also very graciously welcomed by Prince Eugene and the Duke of Marlborough, who introduced him to the heads of the army, and lavished upon him the greatest honours.

Such a change of condition appeared very sweet to this spirit so haughty and so ulcerated, and marvellously inflated the Cardinal’s courage.  He recompensed his dear hosts by discourses, which were the most agreeable to them, upon the misery of France (which his frequent journeys through the provinces had placed before his eyes), upon its powerlessness to sustain the war; upon the discontent which reigned among the people; upon the exhaustion of the finances; in fine, he spared nothing that perfidy or ingratitude could suggest to flatter them and gain their favour.

No sooner had the Cardinal had time to turn round among his new friends than he wrote a letter to the King announcing his flight—­a letter which was such a monstrous production of insolence, of madness, of felony, and which was written in a style so extravagant and confused that it deserves to be thus specially alluded to.  In this letter, as full of absurdities, impudence, and of madness, as of words, the Cardinal, while pretending much devotion for the King, and much submission to the Church, plainly intimated that he cared for neither.  Although this was as the sting of a gnat upon an elephant, the King was horribly piqued at it.  He received the letter on the 24th of May, gave it the next day to D’Aguesseau, attorney-general, and ordered him to commence a suit against Cardinal de Bouillon, as guilty of felony.  At the same time the King wrote to Rome, enclosing a copy of Bouillon’s letter, so that it might be laid before the Pope.  This letter received little approbation.  People considered that the King had forgotten his dignity in writing it, it seemed so much like a justification and so little worthy, of a great monarch.  As for the Cardinal de Bouillon, he grew more haughty than ever.  He wrote a letter upon the subject of this trial with which he was threatened, even more violent than his previous letter, and proclaimed that cardinals were not in any way amenable to secular justice, and could not be judged except by the Pope and all the sacred college.

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Memoirs of Louis XIV and His Court and of the Regency — Volume 07 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.