The Jewel of Seven Stars eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 326 pages of information about The Jewel of Seven Stars.

The Jewel of Seven Stars eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 326 pages of information about The Jewel of Seven Stars.

“I could not but see that there was over her spirit a sense of loneliness which was habitual to her.  I thought I understood it; I am myself an only child.  I ventured to encourage her to speak to me freely; and was happy enough to succeed.  A sort of confidence became established between us.”  There was something in the father’s face which made me add hurriedly: 

“Nothing was said by her, sir, as you can well imagine, which was not right and proper.  She only told me in the impulsive way of one longing to give voice to thoughts long carefully concealed, of her yearning to be closer to the father whom she loved; more en rapport with him; more in his confidence; closer within the circle of his sympathies.  Oh, believe me, sir, that it was all good!  All that a father’s heart could hope or wish for!  It was all loyal!  That she spoke it to me was perhaps because I was almost a stranger with whom there was no previous barrier to confidence.”

Here I paused.  It was hard to go on; and I feared lest I might, in my zeal, do Margaret a disservice.  The relief of the strain came from her father.

“And you?”

“Sir, Miss Trelawny is very sweet and beautiful!  She is young; and her mind is like crystal!  Her sympathy is a joy!  I am not an old man, and my affections were not engaged.  They never had been till then.  I hope I may say as much, even to a father!” My eyes involuntarily dropped.  When I raised them again Mr. Trelawny was still gazing at me keenly.  All the kindliness of his nature seemed to wreath itself in a smile as he held out his hand and said: 

“Malcolm Ross, I have always heard of you as a fearless and honourable gentleman.  I am glad my girl has such a friend!  Go on!”

My heart leaped.  The first step to the winning of Margaret’s father was gained.  I dare say I was somewhat more effusive in my words and my manner as I went on.  I certainly felt that way.

“One thing we gain as we grow older:  to use our age judiciously!  I have had much experience.  I have fought for it and worked for it all my life; and I felt that I was justified in using it.  I ventured to ask Miss Trelawny to count on me as a friend; to let me serve her should occasion arise.  She promised me that she would.  I had little idea that my chance of serving her should come so soon or in such a way; but that very night you were stricken down.  In her desolation and anxiety she sent for me!” I paused.  He continued to look at me as I went on: 

“When your letter of instructions was found, I offered my services.  They were accepted, as you know.”

“And these days, how did they pass for you?” The question startled me.  There was in it something of Margaret’s own voice and manner; something so greatly resembling her lighter moments that it brought out all the masculinity in me.  I felt more sure of my ground now as I said: 

“These days, sir, despite all their harrowing anxiety, despite all the pain they held for the girl whom I grew to love more and more with each passing hour, have been the happiest of my life!” He kept silence for a long time; so long that, as I waited for him to speak, with my heart beating, I began to wonder if my frankness had been too effusive.  At last he said: 

Project Gutenberg
The Jewel of Seven Stars from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.