Complete Project Gutenberg Collection of Memoirs of Napoleon eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 3,263 pages of information about Complete Project Gutenberg Collection of Memoirs of Napoleon.

Complete Project Gutenberg Collection of Memoirs of Napoleon eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 3,263 pages of information about Complete Project Gutenberg Collection of Memoirs of Napoleon.

Among the employees of the treasury was a former receiver of the finances who led a retired and contented life in this modest employment.  He was a very enthusiastic man of much intelligence.  His devotion to the Emperor amounted to a passion, and he never mentioned him without a sort of idolatry.  This employee was accustomed to pass his evenings with a circle of friends who met in the Rue de Vivienne.  The regular attendants of this place, whom the police very naturally had their eyes upon, did not all hold the same opinion as the person of whom I have just spoken, and began openly to condemn the acts of government, the opposing party allowing their discontent to be plainly manifest; and the faithful adorer of his Majesty became proportionately more lavish of his expressions of admiration, as his antagonists showed themselves ready with reproaches.  The Duke of Rovigo was informed of these discussions, which each day became more eager and animated; and one fine day our honest employee found on returning to his home a letter bearing the seal of the general of police.  He could not believe his eyes.  He, a good, simple, modest man living his retired life, what could the minister of general police desire of him?  He opens the letter, and finds that the minister orders him to appear before him the next morning.  He reports there as may be imagined with the utmost punctuality, and then a dialogue something like this ensued between these gentlemen.  “It appears, Monsieur,” said the Duke of Rovigo, “that you are very devoted to the Emperor.”—­“Yes, I love him; I would give him my blood, my life.”—­“You admire him greatly?”—­ “Yes, I admire him!  The Emperor has never been so great, his glory has never—­“—­“That is all very well, Monsieur; your sentiments do you honor, and I share those sentiments with you; but I urge on you to reserve the expression of them for yourself, for, though I should regret it very much, you may drive me to the necessity of having you arrested.”—­“I, my Lord, have me arrested?  Ah! but doubtless—­why?”—­“Do you not see that you cause the expression of opinions that might remain concealed were it not for your enthusiasm; and finally, you will force, many good men to compromise themselves to a certain extent, who will return to us when things are in better condition.  Go, Monsieur, let us continue to love, serve, and admire the Emperor; but at such a time as this let us not proclaim our fine sentiments so loudly, for fear of rendering many guilty who are only a little misguided.”  The employee of the treasury then left the minister, after thanking him for his advice and promising to follow it.  I would not dare to assert that he kept his word scrupulously, but I can affirm that all I have just said is the exact truth; and I am sure that if this passage in my Memoirs falls under the eyes of the Duke of Rovigo it will remind him of an occurrence which he may perhaps have forgotten, but which he will readily recall.

Project Gutenberg
Complete Project Gutenberg Collection of Memoirs of Napoleon from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.