The Devil's Disciple eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 104 pages of information about The Devil's Disciple.

The Devil's Disciple eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 104 pages of information about The Devil's Disciple.

Richard (imploringly to those around him, and finally to Burgoyne, as the least stolid of them).  Take her away.  Do you think I want a woman near me now?

Burgoyne (going to Judith and taking her hand).  Here, madam:  you had better keep inside the lines; but stand here behind us; and don’t look.

Richard, with a great sobbing sigh of relief as she releases him and turns to Burgoyne, flies for refuge to the cart and mounts into it.  The executioner takes off his coat and pinions him.

Judith (resisting Burgoyne quietly and drawing her hand away).  No:  I must stay.  I won’t look. (She goes to the right of the gallows.  She tries to look at Richard, but turns away with a frightful shudder, and falls on her knees in prayer.  Brudenell comes towards her from the back of the square.)

Burgoyne (nodding approvingly as she kneels).  Ah, quite so.  Do not disturb her, Mr. Brudenell:  that will do very nicely.  (Brudenell nods also, and withdraws a little, watching her sympathetically.  Burgoyne resumes his former position, and takes out a handsome gold chronometer.) Now then, are those preparations made?  We must not detain Mr. Dudgeon.

By this time Richard’s hands are bound behind him; and the noose is round his neck.  The two soldiers take the shaft of the wagon, ready to pull it away.  The executioner, standing in the cart behind Richard, makes a sign to the sergeant.

Sergeant (to Burgoyne).  Ready, sir.

Burgoyne.  Have you anything more to say, Mr. Dudgeon?  It wants two minutes of twelve still.

Richard (in the strong voice of a man who has conquered the bitterness of death).  Your watch is two minutes slow by the town clock, which I can see from here, General. (The town clock strikes the first stroke of twelve.  Involuntarily the people flinch at the sound, and a subdued groan breaks from them.) Amen! my life for the world’s future!

Anderson (shouting as he rushes into the market place).  Amen; and stop the execution. (He bursts through the line of soldiers opposite Burgoyne, and rushes, panting, to the gallows.) I am Anthony Anderson, the man you want.

The crowd, intensely excited, listens with all its ears.  Judith, half rising, stares at him; then lifts her hands like one whose dearest prayer has been granted.

Swindon.  Indeed.  Then you are just in time to take your place on the gallows.  Arrest him.

At a sign from the sergeant, two soldiers come forward to seize Anderson.

Anderson (thrusting a paper under Swindon’s nose).  There’s my safe-conduct, sir.

Swindon (taken aback).  Safe-conduct!  Are you—!

Anderson (emphatically).  I am. (The two soldiers take him by the elbows.) Tell these men to take their hands off me.

Swindon (to the men).  Let him go.

Sergeant.  Fall back.

Project Gutenberg
The Devil's Disciple from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.