The Essays of Montaigne — Volume 04 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 68 pages of information about The Essays of Montaigne — Volume 04.

The Essays of Montaigne — Volume 04 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 68 pages of information about The Essays of Montaigne — Volume 04.

The Emperor Augustus,—­[This story is taken from Seneca, De Clementia, i. 9.]—­being in Gaul, had certain information of a conspiracy L. Cinna was contriving against him; he therefore resolved to make him an example; and, to that end, sent to summon his friends to meet the next morning in counsel.  But the night between he passed in great unquietness of mind, considering that he was about to put to death a young man, of an illustrious family, and nephew to the great Pompey, and this made him break out into several passionate complainings.  “What then,” said he, “is it possible that I am to live in perpetual anxiety and alarm, and suffer my would-be assassin, meantime, to walk abroad at liberty?  Shall he go unpunished, after having conspired against my life, a life that I have hitherto defended in so many civil wars, in so many battles by land and by sea?  And after having settled the universal peace of the whole world, shall this man be pardoned, who has conspired not only to murder, but to sacrifice me?”—­for the conspiracy was to kill him at sacrifice.  After which, remaining for some time silent, he began again, in louder tones, and exclaimed against himself, saying:  “Why livest thou, if it be for the good of so many that thou shouldst die? must there be no end of thy revenges and cruelties?  Is thy life of so great value, that so many mischiefs must be done to preserve it?” His wife Livia, seeing him in this perplexity:  “Will you take a woman’s counsel?” said she.  “Do as the physicians do, who, when the ordinary recipes will do no good, make trial of the contrary.  By severity you have hitherto prevailed nothing; Lepidus has followed Salvidienus; Murena, Lepidus; Caepio, Murena; Egnatius, Caepio.  Begin now, and try how sweetness and clemency will succeed.  Cinna is convict; forgive him, he will never henceforth have the heart to hurt thee, and it will be an act to thy glory.”  Augustus was well pleased that he had met with an advocate of his own humour; wherefore, having thanked his wife, and, in the morning, countermanded his friends he had before summoned to council, he commanded Cinna all alone to be brought to him; who being accordingly come, and a chair by his appointment set him, having ordered all the rest out of the room, he spake to him after this manner:  “In the first place, Cinna, I demand of thee patient audience; do not interrupt me in what I am about to say, and I will afterwards give thee time and leisure to answer.  Thou knowest, Cinna,—­[This passage, borrowed from Seneca, has been paraphrased in verse by Corneille.  See Nodier, Questions de la Literature llgale, 1828, pp. 7, 160.  The monologue of Augustus in this chapter is also from Seneca.  Ibid., 164.]—­that having taken thee prisoner in the enemy’s camp, and thou an enemy, not only so become, but born so, I gave thee thy life, restored to thee all thy goods, and, finally, put thee in so good a posture, by my bounty, of living well and at thy ease, that the victorious

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The Essays of Montaigne — Volume 04 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.