Memoirs of Napoleon — Volume 05 eBook

Louis Antoine Fauvelet de Bourrienne
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 141 pages of information about Memoirs of Napoleon — Volume 05.

Memoirs of Napoleon — Volume 05 eBook

Louis Antoine Fauvelet de Bourrienne
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 141 pages of information about Memoirs of Napoleon — Volume 05.

     “Battle of Maringo,—­[spelt for some time, I do not know why, as,
     Maringo—­Bourrienne]—­ commanded in person by the First Consul. 
     —­Given by the Government of the Republic to General Lannes.”

Similar sabres where presented to Generals Victor, Watrin, Gardanne, and Murat; and sabres of less value to other officers:  and also muskets and drumsticks of honour to the soldiers and drummers who had distinguished themselves at Marengo, or in the army of the Rhine; for Bonaparte took care that the officers and men who had fought under Moreau should be included among those to whom the national rewards were presented.  He even had a medal struck to perpetuate the memory of the entry of the French army into Munich.  It is worthy of remark that while official fabrications and exaggerated details of facts were published respecting Marengo and the short campaign of Italy, by a feigned modesty the victorious army of Marengo received the unambitious title of ’Army of Reserve’.  By this artifice the honour of the Constitution was saved.  The First Consul had not violated it.  If he had marched to the field, and staked everything on a chance it was merely accidentally, for he commanded only an “Army of Reserve,” which nevertheless he had greeted with the title of Grand Army before he entered upon the campaign.  It is scarcely conceivable that Bonaparte, possessing as he did an extraordinary mind, should have descended to such pitiful artifices.

—­[ Thiers (tome. vi., p. 70) says the title Grande Armee was first given by Napoleon to the force prepared in 1805 for the campaign against Austria.  The Constitution forbad the First Consul to command the armies in person.  Hence the title, “Army of Reserve,” gives to the force which fought Marengo.]—­

Even foreigners and prisoners were objects of Bonaparte’s designing intentions.  I recollect one evening his saying to me; “Bourrienne, write to the Minister of War, and tell him to select a fine brace of pistols, of the Versailles manufacture, and send them, in my name, to General Zach.  He dined with me to-day, and highly praised our manufacture of arms.  I should like to give him a token of remembrance; besides,—­the, matter will be talked of at Vienna, and may perhaps do good!”

As soon as the news of the battle of Marengo reached Paris Lucien Bonaparte, Minister of the Interior, ordered preparations for the festival, fixed for the 14th of July, in commemoration of the first Federation.  This festival and that of the 1st Vendemiaire were the only ones preserved by the Consular Government.  Indeed, in those memorable days, when the Revolution appeared in its fairest point of view, France had never known such joy as that to which the battle of Marengo gave rise.  Still, amidst all this popular transport there was a feeling of regret.  The fame of Desaix, his heroic character, his death, the words attributed to him and believed to be true, caused

Project Gutenberg
Memoirs of Napoleon — Volume 05 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.