Of Human Bondage eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 971 pages of information about Of Human Bondage.

Of Human Bondage eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 971 pages of information about Of Human Bondage.
embarrassed him before; but now he answered coolly, with a deliberate vagueness which prevented further inquiry, that private affairs had obliged him to make a break in the curriculum; he was now anxious to qualify as soon as possible.  The first examination he could take was in midwifery and the diseases of women, and he put his name down to be a clerk in the ward devoted to feminine ailments; since it was holiday time there happened to be no difficulty in getting a post as obstetric clerk; he arranged to undertake that duty during the last week of August and the first two of September.  After this interview Philip walked through the Medical School, more or less deserted, for the examinations at the end of the summer session were all over; and he wandered along the terrace by the river-side.  His heart was full.  He thought that now he could begin a new life, and he would put behind him all the errors, follies, and miseries of the past.  The flowing river suggested that everything passed, was passing always, and nothing mattered; the future was before him rich with possibilities.

He went back to Blackstable and busied himself with the settling up of his uncle’s estate.  The auction was fixed for the middle of August, when the presence of visitors for the summer holidays would make it possible to get better prices.  Catalogues were made out and sent to the various dealers in second-hand books at Tercanbury, Maidstone, and Ashford.

One afternoon Philip took it into his head to go over to Tercanbury and see his old school.  He had not been there since the day when, with relief in his heart, he had left it with the feeling that thenceforward he was his own master.  It was strange to wander through the narrow streets of Tercanbury which he had known so well for so many years.  He looked at the old shops, still there, still selling the same things; the booksellers with school-books, pious works, and the latest novels in one window and photographs of the Cathedral and of the city in the other; the games shop, with its cricket bats, fishing tackle, tennis rackets, and footballs; the tailor from whom he had got clothes all through his boyhood; and the fishmonger where his uncle whenever he came to Tercanbury bought fish.  He wandered along the sordid street in which, behind a high wall, lay the red brick house which was the preparatory school.  Further on was the gateway that led into King’s School, and he stood in the quadrangle round which were the various buildings.  It was just four and the boys were hurrying out of school.  He saw the masters in their gowns and mortar-boards, and they were strange to him.  It was more than ten years since he had left and many changes had taken place.  He saw the headmaster; he walked slowly down from the schoolhouse to his own, talking to a big boy who Philip supposed was in the sixth; he was little changed, tall, cadaverous, romantic as Philip remembered him, with the same wild eyes; but the black beard was streaked with gray now and the dark, sallow face was more deeply lined.  Philip had an impulse to go up and speak to him, but he was afraid he would have forgotten him, and he hated the thought of explaining who he was.

Project Gutenberg
Of Human Bondage from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.