Of Human Bondage eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 971 pages of information about Of Human Bondage.

Of Human Bondage eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 971 pages of information about Of Human Bondage.

The advantage of living abroad is that, coming in contact with the manners and customs of the people among whom you live, you observe them from the outside and see that they have not the necessity which those who practise them believe.  You cannot fail to discover that the beliefs which to you are self-evident to the foreigner are absurd.  The year in Germany, the long stay in Paris, had prepared Philip to receive the sceptical teaching which came to him now with such a feeling of relief.  He saw that nothing was good and nothing was evil; things were merely adapted to an end.  He read The Origin of Species.  It seemed to offer an explanation of much that troubled him.  He was like an explorer now who has reasoned that certain natural features must present themselves, and, beating up a broad river, finds here the tributary that he expected, there the fertile, populated plains, and further on the mountains.  When some great discovery is made the world is surprised afterwards that it was not accepted at once, and even on those who acknowledge its truth the effect is unimportant.  The first readers of The Origin of Species accepted it with their reason; but their emotions, which are the ground of conduct, were untouched.  Philip was born a generation after this great book was published, and much that horrified its contemporaries had passed into the feeling of the time, so that he was able to accept it with a joyful heart.  He was intensely moved by the grandeur of the struggle for life, and the ethical rule which it suggested seemed to fit in with his predispositions.  He said to himself that might was right.  Society stood on one side, an organism with its own laws of growth and self-preservation, while the individual stood on the other.  The actions which were to the advantage of society it termed virtuous and those which were not it called vicious.  Good and evil meant nothing more than that.  Sin was a prejudice from which the free man should rid himself.  Society had three arms in its contest with the individual, laws, public opinion, and conscience:  the first two could be met by guile, guile is the only weapon of the weak against the strong:  common opinion put the matter well when it stated that sin consisted in being found out; but conscience was the traitor within the gates; it fought in each heart the battle of society, and caused the individual to throw himself, a wanton sacrifice, to the prosperity of his enemy.  For it was clear that the two were irreconcilable, the state and the individual conscious of himself.  That uses the individual for its own ends, trampling upon him if he thwarts it, rewarding him with medals, pensions, honours, when he serves it faithfully; this, strong only in his independence, threads his way through the state, for convenience’ sake, paying in money or service for certain benefits, but with no sense of obligation; and, indifferent to the rewards, asks only to be left alone.  He is the independent

Project Gutenberg
Of Human Bondage from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.