The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night — Volume 10 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 530 pages of information about The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night — Volume 10.

The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night — Volume 10 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 530 pages of information about The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night — Volume 10.

The second story is our No. 184.

2.  Die beiden Sindbad oder Reiseabenteuer Sindbads des Seefabrers.  Nach einer zum ersten Male in Europa bedruckten Aegyptischen Handschrift unmittelbar und wortlich treu aus den Arabischen uebersetzt und mit erklaerenden Anmerkungen, nebst zwei sprachlichen Beilagen zum Gebrauch fuer abgehende Orientalisten herausgegeben von J. G. H. Reinsch (Breslau, 1826).

135.—­The Craft and Malice of Women.

The literature of this cluster of tales would require a volume in itself, and I cannot do better than refer to Mr. W. A. Clouston’s “Book of Sindibad” (8vo, Glasgow, 1884) for further information.  This book, though privately printed and limited to 300 copies, is not uncommon.

136.—­Judar and His Brethren.

An edition of this story, entitled “Histoire de Djouder le Pecheur,” edited by Prof.  Houdas, was published in the Bibliotheque Algerienne, at Algiers, in 1865.  It includes text and vocabulary.

174.—­The Ten Wazirs.

This collection of tales has also been frequently reprinted separately.  It is the Arabic version of the Persian Bakhtyar Nameh, of which Mr. Clouston issued a privately-printed edition in 1883.

The following versions have come under my notice:—­

1.  Nouveaux Contes Arabes, ou Supplement aux Mille et une Nuits suivies de Melanges de Litterature orientale et de lettres, par l’Abbe * * * (Paris, 1788, pp. 425).

This work consists chiefly of a series of tales selected and adapted from the Ten Vazirs.  “Written in Europe by a European, and its interest is found in the Terminal Essay, on the Mythologia Aesopica” (Burton in litt.).

2.  Historien om de ti Vezirer og hoorledes det gik dem med Kong Azad Bachts Soen, oversat af Arabisk ved R. Rask (8vo, Kobenhavn, 1829).

3.  Habicht, x. p. vi., refers to the following:—­Historia decem Vezirorum et filii regis Azad-Bacht insertis xiii. aliis narrationibus, in usum tironum Cahirensem, edid.  G. Knoes, Goettingen, 1807, 8vo.

He also states that Knoes published the commencement in 1805, in his “Disquisitio de fide Herodoti, quo perhibet Phoenices Africam navibus circumvectos esse cum recentiorum super hac re sententiis excussis.—­Adnexurn est specimen sermonis Arabici vulgaris s. initium historiae filii regis Azad-Bacht e Codice inedito.”

4.  Contes Arabes.  Histoire des dix Vizirs (Bakhtyar Nameh) Traduite et annotee par Rene Basset, Professeur A l’ecole superieure des lettres d’Algerie.  Paris, 1883.

Chavis and Cazotte (antea pp. 471, 472) included a version of the Ten Vazirs in their work; and others are referred to in our Table of Tales.

248.—­The Wise Heycar.

Subsequently to the publication of Gauttier’s edition of The Nights, Agoub republished his translation under the title of “Le sage Heycar, conte Arabe” (Paris, 1824).

A few tales published by Scott in Ouseley’s Oriental Collections have already been noticed (antea, pp. 434, 435).

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The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night — Volume 10 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.