Complete March Family Trilogy eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,465 pages of information about Complete March Family Trilogy.

Complete March Family Trilogy eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,465 pages of information about Complete March Family Trilogy.

“I don’t,” said the girl, seriously, “in the usual way.”

“Then the question is whether you do in the un usual way.  They will build a great deal upon you,” said Mrs. Horn, realizing how much the Leightons must have built upon her, and how much out of proportion to her desert they must now dislike her; for she seemed to have had them on her mind from the time they came, and had always meant to recognize any reasonable claim they had upon her.

“It seems very odd, very sad,” Margaret returned, “that you never could act unselfishly in society affairs.  If I wished to go and see those girls just to do them a pleasure, and perhaps because if they’re strange and lonely, I might do them good, even—­it would be impossible.”

“Quite,” said her aunt.  “Such a thing would be quixotic.  Society doesn’t rest upon any such basis.  It can’t; it would go to pieces, if people acted from unselfish motives.”

“Then it’s a painted savage!” said the girl.  “All its favors are really bargains.  It’s gifts are for gifts back again.”

“Yes, that is true,” said Mrs. Horn, with no more sense of wrong in the fact than the political economist has in the fact that wages are the measure of necessity and not of merit.  “You get what you pay for.  It’s a matter of business.”  She satisfied herself with this formula, which she did not invent, as fully as if it were a reason; but she did not dislike her niece’s revolt against it.  That was part of Margaret’s originality, which pleased her aunt in proportion to her own conventionality; she was really a timid person, and she liked the show of courage which Margaret’s magnanimity often reflected upon her.  She had through her a repute, with people who did not know her well, for intellectual and moral qualities; she was supposed to be literary and charitable; she almost had opinions and ideals, but really fell short of their possession.  She thought that she set bounds to the girl’s originality because she recognized them.  Margaret understood this better than her aunt, and knew that she had consulted her about going to see the Dryfooses out of deference, and with no expectation of luminous instruction.  She was used to being a law to herself, but she knew what she might and might not do, so that she was rather a by-law.  She was the kind of girl that might have fancies for artists and poets, but might end by marrying a prosperous broker, and leavening a vast lump of moneyed and fashionable life with her culture, generosity, and good-will.  The intellectual interests were first with her, but she might be equal to sacrificing them; she had the best heart, but she might know how to harden it; if she was eccentric, her social orbit was defined; comets themselves traverse space on fixed lines.  She was like every one else, a congeries of contradictions and inconsistencies, but obedient to the general expectation of what a girl of her position must and must not finally be.  Provisionally, she was very much what she liked to be.

Project Gutenberg
Complete March Family Trilogy from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.