East Lynne eBook

Ellen Wood (author)
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 794 pages of information about East Lynne.

East Lynne eBook

Ellen Wood (author)
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 794 pages of information about East Lynne.

“She is getting over it quickly, now,” returned Joyce.  “If you had seen her but a week ago, you would not say she was looking ill now, speaking in comparison.”

“My goodness!  Would not somebody’s hopes be up again if anything should happen?”

“Nonsense!” crossly rejoined Joyce.

“You may cry out ‘nonsense’ forever, Joyce, but they would,” went on Wilson.  “And she would snap him up to a dead certainty; she’d never let him escape her a second time.  She is as much in love with him as she ever was!”

“It was all talk and fancy,” said Joyce.  “West Lynne must be busy.  Mr. Carlyle never cared for her.”

“That’s more than you know.  I have seen a little, Joyce; I have seen him kiss her.”

“A pack of rubbish!” remarked Joyce.  “That tells nothing.”

“I don’t say it does.  There’s not a young man living but what’s fond of a sly kiss in the dark, if he can get it.  He gave her that locket and chain she wears.”

“Who wears?” retorted Joyce, determined not graciously to countenance the subject.  “I don’t want to hear anything about it.”

“‘Who,’ now!  Why, Miss Barbara.  She has hardly had it off her neck since, my belief is she wears it in her sleep.”

“More simpleton she,” returned Joyce.

“The night before he left West Lynne to marry Lady Isabel—­and didn’t the news come upon us like a thunderclap!—­Miss Barbara had been at Miss Carlyle’s and he brought her home.  A lovely night it was, the moon rising, and nearly as light as day.  He somehow broke her parasol in coming home, and when they got to our gate there was a love scene.”

“Were you a third in it?” sarcastically demanded Joyce.

“Yes—­without meaning to be.  It was a regular love scene; I could hear enough for that.  If ever anybody thought to be Mrs. Carlyle, Barbara did that night.”

“Why, you great baby!  You have just said it was the night before he went to get married!”

“I don’t care, she did.  After he was gone, I saw her lift up her hands and her face in ecstacy, and say he would never know how much she loved him until she was his wife.  Be you very sure, Joyce, many a love-passage had passed between them two; but I suppose when my lady was thrown in his way he couldn’t resist her rank and her beauty, and the old love was cast over.  It is in the nature of man to be fickle, specially those that can boast of their own good looks, like Mr. Carlyle.”

“Mr. Carlyle’s not fickle.”

“I can tell you more yet.  Two or three days after that, Miss Corny came up to our house with the news of his marriage.  I was in mistress’s bedroom, and they were in the room underneath, the windows open, and I heard Miss Corny tell the tale, for I was leaning out.  Up came Miss Barbara upon an excuse and flew into her room, and I went into the corridor.  A few moments and I heard a noise—­it was a sort of wail, or groan—­and I opened

Project Gutenberg
East Lynne from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.