Clever Woman of the Family eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 674 pages of information about Clever Woman of the Family.

Clever Woman of the Family eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 674 pages of information about Clever Woman of the Family.
of the parish children, interspersed with the more graceful forms of the little gentry, and here and there a taller lady.  Then Ermine smiled to recognise Alison as usual among her boys, and Lady Temple’s soft greys and whites, and gentle floating movements, as she advanced and receded with Stephana in one hand, and a shy infant-school child in the other.  But Ermine’s eye roamed anxiously, for though Rachel’s animated, characteristic gestures were fully discernible, and her little Una’s arch toss of the head marked her out, yet the companion whom she had beguiled away, and who had become more to Ermine than any other of the frisking little ones of the flock, was neither with her not with his chief protector, Rose.  In a second or two, however, the step that to her had most “music in’t” of all footfalls that ever were trodden, was sounding on the path that led circuitously up the path, and the Colonel appeared with the little runaway holding his hand.

“Why, baby, you are soon come away!”

“I did not like it,—­sit on mamma’s knee,” said the little fellow, scrambling to his place then as one who felt it his own nest and throne.

“He was very soon frightened,” said the Colonel; “it was only that little witch Una who could have deluded him into such a crowd, and, as soon as she saw a bigger boy to beguile, she instantly deserted Keith, so I relieved Rachel of him.”

“See Rachel now; Mr. Clare is interrogating her.  How she is making them laugh!  I did not think she could ever have so entered into fun.”

“Alick must have made it a part of her education.  When the Invalid has time for another essay, Ermine, it should be on the Benefits of Ridicule.”

“Against Clever Womanhood?  But then the subject must have Rachel’s perfect good humour.”

“And the weapon must be in the most delicately skilful hands,” added the Colonel.  “Properly wielded, it saves blunting the superior weapon by over-frequent use.  Here the success is complete.”

“It has been irony rather than ridicule,” said Ermine, “though, when he taught her to laugh, he won half the battle.  It is beautiful to see her holding herself back, and most forbearing where she feels most positive.  I am glad to see him looking so much stronger and more substantial.  Where is he?”

“On the further bank, supposed by Mrs. Curtis to be asleep, but watching uncle, wife, and child through his eyelashes.  Did you ever see any one so like his sister as that child?”

“Much more so than this one.  I am glad he may one day see such a shadow of his bright-faced mother.”

“You are mother!” said the the little orphan, looking up into Ermine’s face with a startled, wistful look, as having caught more of her meaning than she had intended, and she met his look with a kiss, the time was not yet come for gainsaying the belief more than in the words, “Yes, always a mother to you, my precious little man.”

Project Gutenberg
Clever Woman of the Family from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.