Complete Project Gutenberg John Galsworthy Works eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 6,432 pages of information about Complete Project Gutenberg John Galsworthy Works.

Complete Project Gutenberg John Galsworthy Works eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 6,432 pages of information about Complete Project Gutenberg John Galsworthy Works.

Wilder.  Coming to lunch, Scantlebury?

Scantlebury. [Rising heavily.] I suppose so, I suppose so.  It’s the only thing we can do.

     [They go out through the double-doors.]

Wanklin. [In a low voice.] Do you really mean to fight to a finish, Chairman?

     [Anthony nods.]

Wanklin.  Take care!  The essence of things is to know when to stop.

     [Anthony does not answer.]

Wanklin. [Very gravely.] This way disaster lies.  The ancient Trojans were fools to your father, Mrs. Underwood. [He goes out through the double-doors.]

Enid.  I want to speak to father, Frank.

     [Underwood follows Wanklin Out.  Tench, passing round the table,
     is restoring order to the scattered pens and papers.]

Enid.  Are n’t you coming, Dad?

     [Anthony Shakes his head.  Enid looks meaningly at Tench.]

Enid.  Won’t you go and have some lunch, Mr. Tench?

Tench. [With papers in his hand.] Thank you, ma’am, thank you! [He goes slowly, looking back.]

Enid. [Shutting the doors.] I do hope it’s settled, Father!

Anthony.  No!

Enid. [Very disappointed.] Oh!  Have n’t you done anything!

     [Anthony shakes his head.]

Enid.  Frank says they all want to come to a compromise, really, except that man Roberts.

Anthony.  I don’t.

Enid.  It’s such a horrid position for us.  If you were the wife of the manager, and lived down here, and saw it all.  You can’t realise, Dad!

Anthony.  Indeed?

Enid.  We see all the distress.  You remember my maid Annie, who married Roberts? [Anthony nods.] It’s so wretched, her heart’s weak; since the strike began, she has n’t even been getting proper food.  I know it for a fact, Father.

Anthony.  Give her what she wants, poor woman!

Enid.  Roberts won’t let her take anything from us.

Anthony. [Staring before him.] I can’t be answerable for the men’s obstinacy.

Enid.  They’re all suffering.  Father!  Do stop it, for my sake!

Anthony. [With a keen look at her.] You don’t understand, my dear.

Enid.  If I were on the Board, I’d do something.

Anthony.  What would you do?

Enid.  It’s because you can’t bear to give way.  It’s so——­

Anthony.  Well?

Enid.  So unnecessary.

Anthony.  What do you know about necessity?  Read your novels, play your music, talk your talk, but don’t try and tell me what’s at the bottom of a struggle like this.

Enid.  I live down here, and see it.

Project Gutenberg
Complete Project Gutenberg John Galsworthy Works from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.