Complete Letters of Mark Twain eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,140 pages of information about Complete Letters of Mark Twain.

Complete Letters of Mark Twain eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,140 pages of information about Complete Letters of Mark Twain.
of flying-fish, mornings; a flock of porpoises throwing summersaults afternoons; a remote whale spouting, Sundays; occasional phosphorescent effects, nights; every other day a streak of black smoke trailing along under the horizon; on the one single red letter day, the illustrious iceberg.  I have seen that iceberg thirty-four times in thirty-seven voyages; it is always the same shape, it is always the same size, it always throws up the same old flash when the sun strikes it; you may set it on any New York door-step of a June morning and light it up with a mirror-flash; and I will engage to recognize it.  It is artificial, and it is provided and anchored out by the steamer companies.  I used to like the sea, but I was young then, and could easily get excited over any kind of monotony, and keep it up till the monotonies ran out, if it was a fortnight.

Last January, when we were beginning to inquire about a home for this summer, I remembered that Abbott Thayer had said, three years before, that the New Hampshire highlands was a good place.  He was right—­it was a good place.  Any place that is good for an artist in paint is good for an artist in morals and ink.  Brush is here, too; so is Col.  T. W. Higginson; so is Raphael Pumpelly; so is Mr. Secretary Hitchcock; so is Henderson; so is Learned; so is Summer; so is Franklin MacVeigh; so is Joseph L. Smith; so is Henry Copley Greene, when I am not occupying his house, which I am doing this season.  Paint, literature, science, statesmanship, history, professorship, law, morals,—­these are all represented here, yet crime is substantially unknown.

The summer homes of these refugees are sprinkled, a mile apart, among the forest-clad hills, with access to each other by firm smooth country roads which are so embowered in dense foliage that it is always twilight in there, and comfortable.  The forests are spider-webbed with these good roads, they go everywhere; but for the help of the guide-boards, the stranger would not arrive anywhere.

The village—­Dublin—­is bunched together in its own place, but a good telephone service makes its markets handy to all those outliars.  I have spelt it that way to be witty.  The village executes orders on, the Boston plan—­promptness and courtesy.

The summer homes are high-perched, as a rule, and have contenting outlooks.  The house we occupy has one.  Monadnock, a soaring double hump, rises into the sky at its left elbow—­that is to say, it is close at hand.  From the base of the long slant of the mountain the valley spreads away to the circling frame of the hills, and beyond the frame the billowy sweep of remote great ranges rises to view and flows, fold upon fold, wave upon wave, soft and blue and unwordly, to the horizon fifty miles away.  In these October days Monadnock and the valley and its framing hills make an inspiring picture to look at, for they are sumptuously splashed and mottled and be-torched from sky-line to sky-line with the richest dyes the autumn can furnish; and when they lie flaming in the full drench of the mid-afternoon sun, the sight affects the spectator physically, it stirs his blood like military music.

Project Gutenberg
Complete Letters of Mark Twain from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.